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I Spy - Do You Spy!

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Keywords: Book Making, Photography, I Spy, Art
Subject(s): Art, Technology, Photography, Information Skills
Grades K through 8
School: Crutcho Elementary School, Oklahoma City, OK
Planned By: Shelly Cherry
Original Author: Mrs. Shelly Cherry, Oklahoma City
Students love my I Spy Books. Students would begin by planning on the computer with clip art an I Spy page. From that page students bring in similar objects and arrange these objects on a paper. Students will look at each others page and rearrange items to create an I Spy Page. Students will use the digital camera and photograph their page from several angles. Students will upload the photos on the computer and then type up an I Spy sentence (s). Pages will be printed out and bound with book binder and donated to the library for students of all ages to enjoy. Pages can also be uploaded to school website and made interactive for web use.
I would like to use this project with adapations from Kindergarten up to my eighth graders.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Items used in creating pages can come from any curriculum area, from using science items to maps for social studies and math manipulatives can used to create pages.
Working on others created pages and creating different levels of difficulty, often from the same page.
Materials: Point and Shoot, Yearbook, Mobile Labs, Word Processor, Paint, Web Page, Clipart, Camera Bags, xD Memory Cards, Flash/USB Drives
Other Items: 3 Reams of Paper, $3.00 each, total of $9.00
4 Color Ink, $15.00 each, total of $60.00