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Figurative Language

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Keywords: Reading, Figurative Language, illustrating, Powerpoint presentation
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Art, Technology
Grades 4 through 5
School: Crompond Elementary School, Yorktown Hts, NY
Planned By: Janet Toto
Original Author: Antoinette Edwards, Shreveport

The learner will:
Recognize figurative language
Interpret the meaning of figurative language
Illustrate an example of figurative language

Teacher will introduce the lesson by stating the objectives and then reading to the students the poem, "I Love the Look of Words" by Maya Angelou.

Instructional Procedures:
Teacher will explain to the students that today we will be learning two types of figurative language, hyperbole and personification. Then I will explain the definitions of the words and give them examples.

When I say that this backpack weighs a ton, what am I really saying? If I say that it is raining cats and dogs, what do I mean? As students give me answers I will tell them that writers do this all the time. They say one thing to mean something else. I will then ask the students if they can figure out why authors use this technique. If no one gives me the correct answer, I will tell the students that authors use this technique to make the reader feel and see what they are seeing. Authors use this technique to make it clear so that the reader can see or feel what the author means.

I will then go back to the poem and ask students to turn to the poem in their book and see if they can find examples of figurative language. Next, I will go over the slides (PowerPoint presentation on LCD projection system) with definitions of figurative language. Then I will give the students more examples of figurative language and ask them to categorize the examples into hyperbole or personification.

After students successfully categorized the examples, I will ask the students to brainstorm some examples that they have heard or read in books. I will record some of the examples on chart paper (or computer with LCD projection system). After we have listed about 10 examples, I will read a passage for Kate Shelley and the Midnight Express. I will then ask students to determine if the example is personification or hyperbole.

Next students will be divided into three groups. The first group will get activity sheets with examples of figurative language. They will be instructed to determine what kind of figurative language is represented in each sentence. Then they are to decide as a group what the author really means. The second group will be given the chart paper (or will view the LCD projector) that we brainstormed with examples of figurative language. They are to choose one example and illustrate it using the computer with Kidpix. The third group will be given Versatiles to work on examples of figurative language. Each group will rotate and get to work on each activity.

Lesson Closure:
When I close the lesson, I will review the objectives of the lesson and show how we accomplished them. I will then ask each group to present their illustration of an example of figurative language. Finally I will read the poem, "Who Has Seen the Wind."

I will monitor the students' progress on the illustration, figurative language activity sheets, and Versatiles. Students will also present their illustration to the class and describe the meaning.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Work cooperatively with Art Instructor to have students create a chalk drawing or water paint picture of an example of figurative language.
Materials: Point and Shoot, Mobile Labs, Paint, Slideshow, Clipart, Mind Mapping, Cause and Effect, Podcasting, Video Editing, English and Language Arts, xD Memory Cards, Flash/USB Drives
Other Items: 1 Laptop Computer, $ 700.00 each, total of $700.00
1 LCD projection system, $ 800.00 each, total of $800.00
1 Elmo projector, $ 1200.00 each, total of $1200.00