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Keywords: SCIENCE, Density
Subject(s): Science
Grades 4 through 5
School: Our Lady of Refuge School, Orchard Lake, MI
Planned By: Valerie Whalen
Original Author: Valerie Whalen, Orchard Lake
Use a SMART Board for each lesson.
Day 1: Introduce the word density and ask the class to brainstorm its meaning. Erase the thought balloon on slide #4 to identify the correct definition. Using slide #5 and #6, help the children visualize density as particles close together by using an infinite cloner on a tree. Let the children create a dense forest vs. a forest that is less dense. Next utilize the interactive and multimedia section from SMART on slide #7 and #8 to show the lesson on how atoms have more mass by adding the protons, neutrons, and electrons. The child summarizes the lesson with journaling about density.
Day 2: Discussion of density ensues and the balance is brought out. Here the children compare the density of two objects. First they choose which they think is less or more dense. Then the two are placed on a balance to observe which is more dense. Finally, each item is measured for its mass. Review density by using click and reveal shapes on slides #9, 10, and 11. The child summarizes the lesson by journaling about more dense and less dense items.
Day 3: Review density by quickly scrolling through slides #4-11. Discuss the density experiment slides # 12 and # 13. Each child will use the inquiry method to identify whether an item is more or less dense. They will layer water, oil, and syrup. Once they identify levels of density, the class measures the mass of each item and writes their conclusion.
Day 4: Recite the definition of density. Use slide #4 so students can check for accuracy. Then, using the infinite cloner, have students show on the SMART board why an item would float or sink in water by adding particles of matter to shapes on slide #14. Complete the experiment on slide #15. Distribute a cup of water and various items (cork, Lego, penny, marble, rubber band, wood) to each group. Have the group discuss whether items are more or less dense. Drop the items in the water to observe their density.
Day 5: View video on www.discoveryeducation.com. Then take 5 minutes to create a 1 minute mini lesson on density that will be shared with the class.
All children are capable of learning as long as we identify how they learn and teach to that learning style. Today children absorb information at a fast pace through technology. Therefore if teaching is to be effective, technology needs to be used.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Math - Measuring, Collecting and Analyzing Data
English - Journaling, Summarizing, Oral Speaking
This set of lessons is part of a chapter on matter. After this, students learn physical and chemical changes.
Links: Discovery Education
Materials: Whiteboards
Other Items: 1 SMART Board 685 – 85” Diagonal Wide Format, $1819.00 each, total of $1819.00
1 Airliner WS 100 Wireless Slate, $399.00 each, total of $399.00