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Living and Nonliving Things

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Keywords: Living Things, Nonliving Things, Science, Environment
Subject(s): Photography, Information Skills, Earth Science, Writing, Early Learning, Technology, Science
Grades P-K through 5
School: Arcadia Elementary School, Tuscaloosa, AL
Planned By: Angela McClinton
Original Author: Angela McClinton, Tuscaloosa
Objective: Compare size, shape, structure and basic needs of living things.

Vocabulary: living, nonliving, same, different, environment

Digital cameras (each pair has 1 camera)
Chart paper
Science journals
Pencil, crayons, markers

Part 1:
Readiness activity: Place things in nature in a feely bag. Pass the bag around and have students predict what the objects are in the bag.

Students will take a walk outdoors. Each pair of students will have a digital camera (Review safety rules and proper handling of the cameras prior to use). Each student chooses 5 different things in their environment to take a picture of for documentation.

After returning to the classsroom, the teacher will have a prepared chart with two columns labeled "living things" and "nonliving things". Partners will share their pictures with the class and record if their objects are living or nonliving on the chart.

In their science journals, students will draw one of thier digital pictures and label it living or nonliving.

Part 2:
In whole group, make a list of types of living things we might find outdoors.

After compiling a list of general types of living things, give partners a particular "living thing" catagory to capture with their camera (i.e. trees, plants, insects).

Partners will go outdoors and go on a "living things hunt" with their digital cameras.
Each partner will take turns taking pictures of living things.

When students return to the classroom, students will view their pictures. Partners will catagorize their subject matter according to their color, size, structure, and needs and record their findings in their science journals.

Culminating Activity: Using a Whiteboard, students will upload their pictures and share their pictures and observations with their peers.

Allow 2-5 days to complete the lesson.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Art - Make a mural or individual drawings of living things
Math - Sorting living things
Reading - Read books about living things
Writing - Provide writing prompts about living things for creative writing
Materials: Elementary, Science, CDs and DVDs, Memory Cards, Digital Cameras, Whiteboards, Early Learning