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Meterologist/Journalist for a Day

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Keywords: Podcasts/Video Updates
Subject(s): Video, Social Skills, Autism, Dyslexia, Podcasting, Special Needs, English/Language Arts, Science, Speech and Language
Grade 4
School: Stockwell Place Elementary Sch, Bossier City, LA
Planned By: Kim Howell
Original Author: Kim Howell, Bossier City
Daily Lesson Plan-Monday-Friday

Each student will take turns according to their class number being the Meteorologist or Journalist for the day. The Meteorologist will begin by using the computer to google the weather for the day (www.weather.gov.) They will fill in the script with the information for the day: High/Maximum Temp., Low/Minimum Temp., Cloud amount, Percipitation percentage, and average temp. All of these are Math and Science skills included in the GLE's for 4th grade. They will then use the Flip camera to video themselves (or another student) to present online on the school loop website. Each student will use the Flip camera, convert the video using Movie Maker, and then upload to our school loop page. Any student can do this and it not only covers GLE's required, it instills confidence in each student. Also, relatives that live far away or at home can view their Meteorologist for the Day!!!
Journalist for the Day works almost the same way except that each student will have a script of what we learned in school THAT particular day. This is used for students who miss school, parents who want to view what was done in school that day, and it also instills confidence and a gives each student the opportunity to be showcased.
Each of these steps include so many things that are 21st Century Learning skills. It is a fun and wonderful way to teach and learn!! :)
This would be an incredible tool for 21st Century Learning.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This is across the curriculum in almost every area in 4th grade elementary using 21st century learning skills and problem solving techniques.
Each student will have many opportunities to be both the Meterologist and the Journalist for the day throughout the school year.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Flip Video, Short Throw Projectors, MP3 Players, Microphones, Televisions, Video Tools, Camera/Video Accessories, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Memory Cards, Computer Accessories, Power, Keyboards, Headsets, Ports and Hubs, Mice, Math, Elementary, Science, Social Studies, Early Learning, ESL, Word Processor, Podcasting, Keyboarding, Authoring and Publishing, Web Page, Integrating Technology, Autism, Cause and Effect, Dyslexia, Speech and Language, Hardware Devices