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Introduce me Voki

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Keywords: Avatar
Subject(s): Technology
Grades P-K through 12
School: Cornwall Middle School, Cornwall, NY
Planned By: Patty Buononato
Original Author: Patty Buononato, Cornwall
The students are introduced themselves in my class to each other by creating an avatar of themselves on voki.com. The voki had to look something like them and they used the microphones to record their voices the introduce themselves. They also email it home to their parents so the parents can see the first technology activity we do together.
Go to : www.voki.com and sign in as me to see the children's work.
User Name: [email protected]
Password : A+teacher
Create a Historical Figure Voki. Lincoln, Kennedy, MLK
Materials: Cause and Effect, Keyboarding, Whiteboards
Other Items: 30 Headsets and microphones
1 Smartboard