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Learning the Elements of Art and Art Appreciation Through Photography

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Keywords: art elements, photography, community
Subject(s): Art, Photography
Grades K through 2
School: Snow Hill Primary School, Snow Hill, NC
Planned By: Leah Norville
Original Author: Leah Norville, Snow Hill
Photography to Provide Enrichment in Art
Subject: Art Education
Grade: 2

Purpose and Description of Project:

This project is an opportunity to provide art enrichment for students at my school that will challenge them to not only to look at an object, but also to see it as never before. Often when children are given cameras without direction it results in images with missing heads, microscopic and random subject matter, not to mention blurry, poorly lit scenes. This experience is designed to stimulate thinking on several levels. Students will use these skills to create artistic photography that is thought out and well planned. These sessions are designed to challenge them beyond their regular art class.

These lessons will allow students, who may not otherwise have access to a digital camera, to learn the skills, which incorporate the elements of line, shape, color, pattern, and composition. Using a camera accurately and with these skills, children can create interesting and aesthetically pleasing photograph at a young age, but with it carries the benefit of instilling the intrinsic values of good art for life.

Through a series of lessons we will explore the basic history of photography and photographers. Correct terminology will be used to analyze a variety of images to discover what creates a successful photo. Students will learn the basic care and handling of a camera and the steps needed to frame the subject matter to create a successful image. Students will then carry their cameras out into our school environment to capture events and to spotlight people and places. Student examples will be used as the basis for original art. I will teach them how to use photographic software to edit their images. They will learn basic terms for cropping, correcting and enhancing their pictures. Our projects will be published in Wiki and via the school-wide A/V system.

Art Goals and Objectives:
Students will first define each of the elements of art and then set out to find and discuss these elements in their surroundings.

Competency 1: The learner will develop critical and creative thinking skills and perceptual awareness necessary for understanding and producing art.
1.02 Plan and organize for creating art.

Competency Goal 2: The learner will develop skills necessary for understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes. (National Standard 1)

Competency Goal 3: The learner will organize the components of a work into a cohesive whole through knowledge of organizational principles of design and art elements. (National Standard 2)
3.03 Discuss how the viewer's eye moves through work of art.

Competency Goal 5: The learner will understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures. (National Standard 4)
5.01 Identify main purpose for an individual artwork.
5.03 Identify selected medium/techniques or processes used for an individual artwork.

Competency Goal 7: The learner will perceive connections between visual arts and other disciplines. (National Standard 6)
7.01 Understand that a major purpose of the arts is the creation of an original work

Competency Goal 8: The learner will develop an awareness of art as an avocation and profession.
8.01 Begin to understand different ways people can make a living from creating works of art.
8.02 Discuss the involvement in art of people of all ages to include visiting museums, making art, reading or writing about art and artists, buying art, and teaching and volunteering in the arts.

Computer/ Technology Skills: NETS-S
1. Use input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, remote control) and output devices (e.g., monitor, printer) to successfully operate computers, VCRs, audiotapes, and other technologies. (1)
2. Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities. (1, 3
3. Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminology. (1)
4. Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, family members, and others when using technology in the classroom. (2)
5. Demonstrate positive social and ethical behaviors when using technology. (2)
6. Practice responsible use of technology systems and software. (2)
7. Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. (3)
8. Use technology resources (e.g., puzzles, logical thinking programs, writing tools, digital cameras, drawing tools) for problem solving, communication, and illustration of thoughts, ideas, and stories. (3, 4, 5, 6)
10.Gather information and communicate with others using telecommunications, with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. (4

Students will create booklets in the classroom from magazine images that illustrate each element to keep for reference when “out in the field”. They will learn the definition of each of the elements to add to the booklet.

On another occasion we will begin to examine images on the interactive white board to see if they meet the criteria for an interesting photo. We will incorporate Thinking Maps to compare and contrast the images.

During another session we will discuss the art of a variety of different photographers and their backgrounds. Students will be taught the history of photography and shown a variety of images and camera styles. The cameras will be introduced after spending time looking at the parts and discussing the general care and handling. Students will be allowed to make images of each other, which we will examine for quality.

A local prominent photographer will come to share her work with the students and talk to them about the techniques and rules for making a successful photograph. She will share how photography has affected her life and what she does for a living.

The students will then take part in a local field trip where they will be encouraged to see the beauty in ordinary objects and places. They will capture the elements of art to create interesting compositions. These photos will then be critiqued in the classroom, looking for quality of image, mistakes and how to correct them.

The images taken on the field trip will be uploaded to the computer and students will learn how to manipulate their images to enhance their quality. Basic skills related to the program will be introduced and used to refine their work. Computer sill such as using the keyboard, and the mouse will be reviewed. General terminology for the software will be introduced. We will discuss responsible use of the computer and students will be employed to share their strengths and abilities with those who may need help.

Eventually the young photographers will be given assignments to cover events within the constructs of our school. They will take these images, edit and create a slideshow, which will be shared throughout the school on the A/V system. A Wiki sight will be link to our school website to share images created by the students with parents and the community.

Materials, Resources and Expenses:
Digital cameras for students
Computer software for editing photographs
SD cards
Thumb drive (for teacher use)
Compact Disks
Photo paper

Outcomes and Adaptability:
Students will learn the history of photography and how it can be considered and art form. They will learn to use cameras and computers responsibly and cooperatively. Students will create successful photographs that incorporate the elements of art and will learn to edit their work by using computer software. They will “learn to look” at everyday subjects to create interesting compositions and share the images with the school, family and friends. They will take away a life-long appreciation for photography and how it is an important art form.

Materials: Digital SLR, Art Tools, Batteries, Memory Cards