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The view at the zoo: A VideoGraphic scavenger hunt as the basis for an interdisciplinary field trip!

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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): Art, Geography, Life Science, Writing, Music, Reading, Earth Science, Biology, Algebra, Photography, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Science, Journalism, Drama, Civics, Math, Chemistry, Physics, History
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Pinellas Preparatory Academy, Largo, FL
Planned By: Suzanne Mizzi
Original Author: Suzanne Mizzi, Largo
Using creative journaling students will plan out what concepts they will record during their scavenger hunt and edit their video accordingly. Zoo/Classroom assignment data-collection sheet. Students record their concepts and corresponding photograph numbers to use for reference when constructing their final video.


1 SCIENCE (5 concepts)
2 Language Arts (5 Concepts)
3 Math (5 concepts)
4 Social Studies (5 concepts)
5 Electives (2 concepts)

Here is a list of the concepts from the core areas:
• Measurement
• Two-dimensional geometric shapes
• Three-dimensional geometric shapes
• Fraction or percentage
• Evidence of showing a ratio
• Adaptation for protection
• Adaptation for obtaining food
• Habitat and biome—take a picture of an animal and
explain its habitat and name the biome where it lives
• Food chain—take a picture of an animal and then
design a food chain around it
• Take a picture or pictures to explain how the zoo classifies
its animals

Language arts
• Greek or Latin roots
• Write a simile, metaphor, and hyperbole about your
• Nonfiction text
• Problem-solution text feature
• Cause-effect text feature
Social studies
• Take a picture of the zoo entrance. Give the zoo’s
relative location.
• Take a picture of an animal that lives in a country we
have studied. Name the country and continent.
• Take a picture of a “region” that is part of a zoo exhibit.
• Name the region and describe it as a “place.”
• Rivers were key in developing civilizations. Take a picture
of an animal that lives in a river or along its banks.
• Music is part of culture. Take a picture of an instrument from a specific culture

In the classroom: The recorded video presentation will be edited and organized by the student groups Using their data sheets for reference, the student
groups design a narrated video that includes
each unit/ video clip and a caption that explains how
the video illustrates a specific concept.

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Interdisciplinary Activity incorporating many core and elective 8th grade courses.
Materials: Flip Video