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Video Self-Modeling (Social Skills)

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Keywords: Flip Video, Social Skills, Autism, Speech/Language
Subject(s): Social Skills, Autism, Special Needs, Speech and Language
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: Tartan High School, Oakdale, MN
Planned By: Jason Arndt
Original Author: Jason Arndt, Oakdale
The Speech/Language Pathologist and Special Education teachers will create a storyboard on the targeted social skill (ie-introducing yourself to others). The students and teachers will create a script for this lesson for a variety of settings (ie-introducing yourself to peers, authority figures, and strangers). Also, the teachers will record the students doing portions of these skills naturally in the classroom. The students will act out portions that were not caught in a natural setting. The recording will be edited by the Speech/Language Pathologist with titles and credits, and unnecessary information will be removed. The final edited version will be shown to the students weekly as to demonstrate positive modeling of targeted social skill use.
The idea is to model positive behavior by using video clips of themselves. Research suggests that watching yourself perform behavior the correct way increases the likelihood that it will generalize to other circumstances.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Video self-modeling could be used in all areas of curriculum as a means of watching yourself perform a desired task correctly. I believe the best subjects in a high school may include speech class and physical education class. Also, I am a tennis coach and am thinking about using video self-modeling for helping players with their swings.
Many other social skills will be targeted. The videos will be watched on a consistent basis to help with generalization of skills.
Materials: Flip Video, MP3 Players, Video Tools, Power, Keyboards, Bags and Cases, Flash/USB Drives, Autism, Cause and Effect, Speech and Language