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Cultural Celebrations

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Keywords: History, Language Arts, Social Studies, Cultural Diversity, Flip Video, Technology, Geography
Subject(s): Spelling, English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Photography, Information Skills, Reading, Writing, Special Needs, Geography, Technology, Social Skills, Video, Grammar, Journalism, Civics, History
Grades K through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Swift Creek Middle School, Clayton, NC
Planned By: Carolyn Kay
Original Author: Carolyn Kay, Clayton
Finished projects will be used during the school's daily news program, displayed on classroom website, and during school-wide open house.

Outline includes:
Country (Location, population, languages spoken)
Holiday/Cultural Celebration (date observed, origins, historical significance, relevant facts)
Unusual/interesting information or facts discovered
Websites accessed for research

The lesson begins with a discussion of the cultural diversity of our school, community, and state. Further discussion is held on the importance of recognizing the importance of celebrating differences in all students.
Teacher creates heterogeneous student groups and assigns a country for research.
During the course of two computer lab or media enhancement classes (typically 45-60 minutes each), students are given the opportunity to research their country, complete the outline, and decide upon a final product for submission.

Additional time in the computer lab (estimated 2 periods of 45-60 minutes) is needed for creation of their product, with a separate presentation time scheduled.

Younger students (K-1) may be paired with older "Reading Buddies" for this project, with the adjustment of student groups made to include 2 younger and 2 older students.

Flip cameras are used to create "news reports" about their country, providing information to all students and staff throughout the school.
While this project may be completed with only one camera per class, it is advised that multiple cameras be on hand in order to allow multiple groups to work at the same time.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Teachers can integrate Technology, Social Studies, and Language Arts skills necessary to satisfy Standard Course of Study goals and objectives.
Once the project is completed, teachers may locate willing schools in the countries studied for correspondence via letters, emails, podcasts, or teleconferences in order to share information between schools.
Materials: CDs and DVDs, Televisions, Flip Video
Other Items: 1 Flip Video Cameras, $150.00 each, total of $150.00
1 100 pack DVD, $25.00 each, total of $25.00