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Who's the Man? Men of the French & Indian War and Road to the Revolution

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Keywords: Revolution, Road to the Revolution, Social Studies, French and Indian War, Flip Video
Subject(s): History, Social Studies, Writing, Technology, Video
Grades 5 through 6
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: Dozier Elementary School, Erath, LA
Planned By: Sadie Suire
Original Author: Sadie Suire, Erath
Who's the Man?
Men of the French & Indian War and Road to the Revolution

NOTE: Script for the video flip camera lesson is below on Days 18, 19 and 20. The four week unit may be adapted and you may use the script as the final component of your lesson. My daily lessons are a guide that lead to the video filming project. Any lessons introducing the men in the script would be acceptable.

The script download can be found below.

Men discussed will be: Benjamin Franklin, General Braddock, Chief Pontiac, George Washington. Samuel Adams, Crispus Attucks, Paul Revere, King George III, Daniel Boone, Patrick Henry, William Pitt

Time: 4 Week Unit (45 minutes a day) for 20 days.

GLE's: (Grade Level Expectations)

1. French and Indian War
2. Road to the Revolution
3. Men of the French and Indian War and the Road to the Revolution

Day 1:

TLW interpret information in visuals.
TLW Critical thinking skills to organize and use information.

1. Introduce New Chapter
2. Do KWL chart about The American Revolution
*ask what they know about the revolution
3. Start Lesson 1: The French and Indian War
-Research together: French and Indian War (as a class)
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 2:

TLW identify causes of the French and Indian War.
TLW George Washington's contributions during the French and Indian War.

1. Daily Geography
2. Review Lesson 1: Study guide
3. Continue Lesson 1: The French and Indian War
-discuss vocabulary terms revolution, fork, allies, alliance, congress, delegates, Parliament.
-Research and Discuss General Braddock.
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 3:

TLW identify significant individuals such as Ben Franklin who modeled active participation in the democratic process.
TLW explain the importance of the Albany Plan of Union in the development of the US.

1. Daily Geography
2. Review Study guide Lesson 1: The French / Indian War
3. Graded Foldable: Lesson 1: students will create a foldable for a grade on the following vocabulary terms:
revolution, fork, ally, alliance, congress, delegate, Parliament.
4. Research Ben Franklin
5. United Streaming Video: Ben Franklin
Evaluation: Graded foldable

Day 4

TLW examine the end of the French and Indian War and The Treaty of Paris.
TLW identify the cause of Pontiac 's Rebellion.

1. Daily Geography
2. Review study guide
3. Intro Lesson 2: Britain Wins N. America
-Research William Pitt
-answer study guide as we read lesson
4. United Streaming Video: William Pitt or James Wolfe
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 5

TLW identify the terms and significance of the Proclamation of 1763.

1. Daily Geography
2. Review study guide
3. Continue Lesson 2: British Wins N. America
4. read and discuss lesson and voc. terms
-answer study guide as we read through lesson
5. Research British wins North America
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 6

TLW identify the terms and significance of the Proclamation of 1763.

1. Daily Geography
2. Review study guide Lessons 1 and 2
3. Graded Foldable: Lesson 2: students will create foldable for a grade on the following vocabulary terms: proclamation, bill of rights, pioneer, gap.
4. United Streaming Video: Chief Pontiac
Evaluation: Graded Foldable

Day 7

TLW use geographical tools to collect, analyze, and interpret data.
TLW critical thinking skills to organize and use information from maps.

1. Daily Geography
2. Review Lessons 1 and 2 study guide
3. Skill: Compare Historical Maps
-read and discuss the importance of historical maps
-explain hatch lines and their importance.
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 8

TLW participate in a review for test.

1. Daily Geography and Review Lesson 1: French / Indian War
2. Lesson 2: Britain Wins N. America
3. Highlight study guide as a review for test.
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 9

TLW create maps of colonies before/ after the French and Indian War.

1. Daily Geography
2. Review for test Lesson 1: French/ Indian War
Lesson 2: Britain Wins N. America
3. Graded Map
--students will create two maps of before the war and after the war.
Evaluation: Graded Map

Day 10:

TLW prove what was learned in Lessons 1 and 2

1. Daily Geography
2. TEST Lessons 1 and 2: French/ Indian War / Britain Wins N. America
3. United Streaming Video: Daniel Boone
Evaluation: Formal Observation

Day 11:

TLW analyze the causes and effects of the Stamp Acts and the Boston Massacre.

1. Daily Geography
2. Intro. Lesson 3: Colonists Speak Out -Talk about Samuel Adams and King George III.
-read and discuss lesson/ voc. terms: budget, representation, treason, boycott, declaration, repeal, and liberty. Answer study guide as we read through lesson
3. United Streaming Video: Sugar Act or Stamp Act
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 12:

TLW trace the development of representative government in the US.

1. Daily Geography
2. Continue Lesson 3: Colonists Speak Out
-review first part of study guide on this lesson
--continue answering study guide as we read
3. United Streaming Video: Patrick Henry
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 13:

TLW identify the different roles women played in the Revolution.

1. Daily Geography
2. Continue Lesson 3: Colonists Speak Out
-continue answering study guide and discuss the last part of lesson. Talk about Crispus Attucks.
3. Discuss Paul Revere and the Boston Massacre (Resarch)
4. United Streaming Video: The Boston Massacre
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 14

TLW identify bias in written and visual material.
TLW identify points of view from the historical event.

1. Daily Geography
2. Review study guide Lesson 3
3. Skill: Determine Point of View
--explain point of view and bias
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 15:

TLW participate in a review for test on Lesson 3.

1. Daily Geography
2. Review for test on Lesson 3: Colonists Speak Out
3. Highlight study guide for review
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 16:

TLW analyze the causes and effects of the Boston Tea Party and the Intolerable Acts.
TLW explain the significance of the First Continental Congress.

1. Daily Geography
2. Intro. Lesson 4: The Road to War
-read and discuss voc. terms monopoly, blockade, quarter, intolerable, petition
-answer study guide as we read lesson
3. The Road to War Review
Evaluation: Teacher Observation

Day 17:

TLW explain the issues surrounding the battle at Lexington and Concord.

1. Daily Geography
2. Review Lesson 4 study guide
3. Graded Foldable: students will create a foldable on the following voc. terms: monology, blockade, quarter, intolerable, petition
4. United Streaming Video: The Boston Tea Party or Paul Revere
Evaluation: Graded foldable

NOTE: Days 18-20 (Flip Camera Lesson-Practice Days)

1. Hand out and assign roles "Who's the Man" script. Practice parts for the "game show" script for "Who's the man?" (See attachment)
2. Film the segments for "Who's the Man?"
3. Have students write a report about two or three men of the French and Indian revolution and/or Road to the Revolution. They need to compare and contrast their roles. Graphic Organizers can be found here to start their writing lesson(s) off.
4. Show video and close the unit.

Evaluation: Teacher observation and student paragraph.

SCRIPT: "Who's the Man?"

Who’s the Man Script?
Men from the French and Indian War and the Road to the Revolution!

Setting Up the lesson/game show.

Set Up: Two Teams sitting (10 on each side). Two students one from each team would stand at a time for each question. (So of the two, one will answer and the other will not.) The odd number of children would give answers. The others would not talk. They can hit the buzzer late or raise their hand after the first one does.

Who do you need?
•Talk Show Host: Make sure your main character the talk show host is energetic, will study lines at home and will speak loud and clear. (Practice them him/her a few times).
•Director: (PowerPoint Slide person) You will need someone to work the

PowerPoint slides as the questions are asked.
•Announcer (for beginning and ending segments.
•Student Photographer and one to film clips. (A tripod set on something high would be the best route to go.
•Two teams (Assign roles: ODD NUMBERS will ANSWER ONLY. So make sure your odd number students want to talk during this!) You can have children repeat if you don’t have 20 students to use.

oTeam A (numbers 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20)
oTeam B (numbers 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19)

NOTE: Don’t assign students in a film if they can’t be online and you want to post or share it. They can film, be the student photographer, etc. (Suggestion: Have the photographer snap pictures that are posed, not to have a flash going off during the skit.)

Props (Just suggestions)
•Podium and microphone if possible for the talk show host. There will need to be a spot for the talk host near the white board.
•Projector with PowerPoint playing.
•Buzzer if possible
•Possible “color themes” for each team (just an example: red or blue headbands(

FILMING with flip camera!


Start filming about 2-3 seconds before and have a child with a strong energetic voice say (like a game show host.)

Your Announcer will say while filming the slide show. (Will not be seen)
“Welcome to today’s episode of “Who’s the Man” Today’s topic is “Men of the French and Indian War and the Road to the Revolution”

After the filming is done, you will add the Windows Media File with the men to it. Labeled Men_Rev_Segment2.wmv (will be in the folder)

Part 2: Film each segment.

Segment 1: Start filming at the game show host talking. Stop after the game host states the answer.
The person at the computer will hit “enter” for the slide to show.
GAME SHOW HOST: Question 1: Who’s the man that was an Indian Chief who wanted to stop the loss of Indian hunting and land?

A. Benjamin Franklin
B. General Braddock
C. Chief Pontiac
D. George Washington

Set Up: Two children will raise hand or buzz. The game show host will call on Child 1 (Team A) to answer. (Child 2 would not have to speak.)

Child 1 person would answer… C. Chief Pontiac

GAME SHOW HOST: And that is correct. The answer is C. Chief Pontiac.

Segment 2: Start filming at the game show host talking. Stop after the game host states the answer.

The person at the computer will hit “enter” for the slide to show.
GAME SHOW HOST: Let’s go for another one. Question 2: Who’s the man who was also a former governor of Massachusetts, a ringleader of the American Revolution and was involved in many protests, including the Boston Tea Party?
A. Samuel Adams
B. General Braddock
C. Crispus Attucks
D. Paul Revere

Two children will raise hand or buzz. The game show host will call on Child 3 (Team B) to answer.

Child 3 person would answer… A. Samuel Adams

GAME SHOW HOST: You are correct! The answer is A. Samuel Adams

Segment 3: Start filming at the game show host talking. Stop after the game host states the answer.
The person at the computer will hit “enter” for the slide to show.
GAME SHOW HOST: Now…Question 3 Who’s the man whose troops fought in the open, while the French and Indians fought them behind trees and rocks?

A. Benjamin Franklin
B. General Braddock
C. Chief Pontiac
D. George Washington

Two children will raise hand or buzz. The game show host will call on Child 5 (Team A) to answer.

Child 5 person would answer… B. General Braddock

GAME SHOW HOST: That is right! The answer is B. General Braddock

Segment 4: Start filming at the game show host talking. Stop after the game host states the answer.

The person at the computer will hit “enter” for the slide to show.
GAME SHOW HOST: Question 4: Who’s the man that rode and said “the British are coming?”
A. Samuel Adams
B. General Braddock
C. Chief Pontiac
D. Paul Revere

Two children will raise hand or buzz. The game show host will call on Child 7(Team B) to answer.

Child 7 person would answer… D. Paul Revere

GAME SHOW HOST: You are correct! The answer is D. Paul Revere!

Segment 5: Start filming at the game show host talking. Stop after the game host states the answer.
The person at the computer will hit “enter” for the slide to show.
GAME SHOW HOST: Let’s go for another one. Question 5: Who’s the man who was killed by British soldiers during the massacre, and considered the first person to lose his life in the struggle for independence?

A. Samuel Adams
B. General Braddock
C. Crispus Attucks
D. Paul Revere

Two children will raise hand or buzz. The game show host will call on Child 9 (Team A) to answer.

Child 9 person would answer… D. Paul Revere

Segment 6: Start filming at the game show host talking. Stop after the game host states the answer.

The person at the computer will hit “enter” for the slide to show.
GAME SHOW HOST: Question 6 Who’s the man who published the famous “Join, or Die” cartoon in the Pennsylvania Gazette?

A. Samuel Adams
B. Benjamin Franklin
C. Crispus Attucks
D. Paul Revere

Two children will raise hand or buzz. The game show host will call on Child 11 (Team B) to answer.

Child 11 person would answer… B. Benjamin Franklin

GAME SHOW HOST: Correct! It is B. Benjamin Franklin

Segment 7: Start filming at the game show host talking. Stop after the game host states the answer.
The person at the computer will hit “enter” for the slide to show.
GAME SHOW HOST: Question 6 Who’s the man who published the famous “Join, or Die” cartoon in the Pennsylvania Gazette?

A. Samuel Adams
B. Benjamin Franklin
C. Crispus Attucks
D. Paul Revere

Two children will raise hand or buzz. The game show host will call on Child 13(Team A) to answer.

Child 11 person would answer… B. Benjamin Franklin

GAME SHOW HOST: That is right! It is B. Benjamin Franklin

Segment 8: Start filming at the game show host talking. Stop after the game host states the answer.
The person at the computer will hit “enter” for the slide to show.
GAME SHOW HOST: Question 8 Who’s the man whose first major event in his military career was set at Fort Necessity?
A. Samuel Adams
B. Benjamin Franklin
C. George Washington
D. Paul Revere

Two children will raise hand or buzz. The game show host will call on Child 15 (Team B) to answer.

Child 15 person would answer… C. George Washington

GAME SHOW HOST: That is right! It is C. George Washington

Segment 9: Start filming at the game show host talking. Stop after the game host states the answer.
The person at the computer will hit “enter” for the slide to show.
GAME SHOW HOST: Question 9 Who’s the man who told the House of Burgess “…give me liberty or give me death?”

A. Patrick Henry
B. Benjamin Franklin
C. George Washington
D. Paul Revere

Two children will raise hand or buzz. The game show host will call on Child 17 (Team A) to answer.

Child 17 person would answer… A. Patrick Henry

GAME SHOW HOST: You are correct! It is A. Patrick Henry

Segment 10: Start filming at the game show host talking. Stop after the game host states the answer.
The person at the computer will hit “enter” for the slide to show.
GAME SHOW HOST: Question 10 Who’s the man who was a British statesman who achieved his greatest fame leading Britain during French and Indian War in North America?

A. William Pitt
B. Benjamin Franklin
C. George Washington
D. Paul Revere

Two children will raise hand or buzz. The game show host will call on Child 19 (Team B) to answer.

Child 19 person would answer… A. William Pitt

GAME SHOW HOST: You are correct! It is A. William Pitt! Well it looks like we had a tie today! Thanks for joining us!

Segment 11: Film all of the kids (who can be online) waving and then add credits in Movie Maker.
The lesson plan is shown, but the script can be used for many other grade levels as well.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Social Studies, Writing, etc.
Links: French-Indian War Links
Who's the Man? Script Page
Actual Script
Our Class "Who's the Man" Video Clip
Graphic Organizer Link
Materials: Flip Video