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I Spy Riddle

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Keywords: I Spy
Subject(s): Technology
Grades 3 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Palominas Elementary School, Hereford, AZ
Planned By: Judy Riddle
Original Author: Judy Riddle, Hereford
AZ Technology Standard(s) Standard 2: Students understand the social, ethical and human issues related to using technology in their daily lives and demonstrate responsible use of technology systems, information and software and Standard 3: Students use technology tools to enhance learning, to increase productivity and creativity, to construction technology enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative work.

Link to Prior Knowledge and/or relevance to students, We have previously discussed how copyright and intellectual rights affect our using other’s work in our own projects.

3rd-8th Grade will make picture riddles based on the idea of the I Spy books.

Teacher will use the I Spry website as a model.

Students will have at least 20 items for their I Spy page.

See the checklist attached for details.

Students must have their original riddle script typed and attached.

Questioning & Academic Feedback: Essential Question: How can you use technology tools proficiently and legally to produce a creative work?

Extensions and or Enrichment: Students will create a total electronic I Spy page using both their own original images created with Paintbrush program AND properly cited images from Google images with the riddles, all on a one-page Word document.

I Spy Checklist

One Page Riddle

___1. This is a partner project. (Select your partner and each person must put your first and last names on the back of the poster paper along with your teacher’s name.)

___2. Plan and create your background. Do you want a jungle, sky, water, or grass background. Do you think your background will go well with your objects you want to photograph?

___3. Select and/or create your objects to go on your page. You must include 20 of them, so create the sizes accordingly. You probably want all the sizes to be about the same.

___4. Arrange the items on the poster paper and take several photographs in various settings (inside, outside, bright light, etc.)

___5. Write the script for your I Spy poster using Word

___6. Insert the photograph into same Word document that you have for the script.

___7. Save the project as your names and I Spy AND also set for 2 page viewing.

Ours is a small rural Title I School and we have had numerous budget cutbacks for the last 2 years.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
These cameras could be utilized in all subject areas. Examples might include, making counting books for early education for math. We could also document the local plant and animal life and share with others on E Pals.
We can compile all of the projects into one electronic book.
Materials: Point and Shoot
Other Items: 5 Point and Shot Digital Cameras, $199.99 each, total of $999.95