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Technology and your Future: Using SmartPhones and IPads in the classroom

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Keywords: technology, life skills,
Subject(s): Information Skills, Social Studies, Social Skills, Spelling, Technology, Grammar, Writing, Reading, Math, English/Language Arts
Grades 4 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
View Full Text of Standards
School: PS 95 Eastwood, Jamaica, NY
Planned By: Mary Lawrence
Original Author: Mary Lawrence, Jamaica
Lesson Plan:
Purpose: Since may students think that they can just become anything they want, this lesson will help them to realize that preparation and education are the keys to have the life they desire.
Duration: four to five 45 minute periods
Learning Objectives: The learner will: a) identify a realistic source of income (job or career) by researching the classified sections of the NY Times. They will then conduct research to determine the necessary qualifications and average annual income for their chosen profession b). identify their personal income as both gross and net values c) create a realistic personal budget/spending plan which must reflect their necessary expenditures, such as, mortgage or rent, saving, insurance, car payments, food, monthly bills, etc.

Materials: a) Internet access for research b) NY Times internet or USA Today with physical copies or internet access
c) Sample budgets from internet( either paper version or spreadsheet version)

Instructional Procedure(s): Day One:
Anticipatory Set:
Explain that today they will consider their own income and expenses and they will explore what jobs they may like to have in the future. They will research the necessary requirements and then the salaries for the career.

Vocabulary: budget, income, expenditures, expenses, investments, interest rate, wants vs. needs

Students will spend the period in research to determine their career choices, possible income and expenses on the worksheets. I will assist as needed. They will spend time exploring various careers, requirements and salaries. They will record their career choices in notebooks or on internet data sheet.

Day Two: Encourage students to think about what they would like to have and the monthly costs associated with those items. What will be saved or invested? Will there be student loans to be repaid? They will record their discoveries on the Monthly Expenses worksheet. They may have to decide to live on less than what they might make or perhaps, take on a second job.

Day Three
Students with similar career choices will sit together to discuss what they have discovered through research. They will compare salaries and expenses. Students will share their responses in the group
Discuss questions: How often can and should a budget be revised? Should one always remain on budget? Should a person keep track of every expense? What is the “cost” of splurging?

Day Four
Today students will synthesize all garnered research and will collate their chosen profession with their income and expenses. This will be done in preparation for class presentations. They must look at their prospective lifestyle and see what it will really cost.

Day Five
After students have presented their budgets, lead the discussion to the realization that the key to managing money is to always live within your means. In this way, students will learn to use their money wisely.

Assessment: a) Teacher observation of student participation b) Writing assignment of at least five complete paragraphs focusing on what the student has learned personally from this week’s work. The Narrative Writing Rubrics will be used to evaluate writing assignment.

For me, as a teacher, these types of resources would be invaluable in promoting an interactive classroom. We all know that the curriculum and material are the same as in the textbook but the technology of Smart Phones and I Pads will help students to comprehend, design, discover, analyze and, therefore, learn in these areas
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Life Skills
Social Studies
Applied Mathematics
Materials: Flash/USB Drives, Literacy, Elementary, Social Studies, Spreadsheet, Keyboarding, Worksheets, Assessment, Integrating Technology
Other Items: 32 flash drives/usb drives, $5.00 each, total of $160.00