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How to be Safe in Cyber Space

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Keywords: cyber safety, personal safety, cyber citizenship
Subject(s): Information Skills, Civics, Social Skills, Technology, Writing, Reading
Grades 4 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: PS 95 Eastwood, Jamaica, NY
Planned By: Mary Lawrence
Original Author: Mary Lawrence, Jamaica
Lesson Plan: How to be Safe in Cyber Space

Learning Overview and Objectives
Students will learn to think critically about the information on the net
Students will identify dangers on the Internet

Activities: 1. Have images of various people on the smartboard but be sure that the pictures are not visible to the students. Tell the class that you want them to discuss what they think the person looks like based on information you will read. For each image, after reading, allow students time to discuss.
• I have a dog named Spiff and I often take him to the park to play with my friends and their dogs.
• I like reading and writing stories about children. Sometimes I draw pictures to go with the stories.
• I really love basketball and soccer. My friends and I play on the same teams and we go to games together.
As the teacher reveals each image, discuss how they compare to the images the students had in their minds. Why are the visual images different from the students’ images?
2. Ask students how people communicate in Cyber Space. Remind students that the point of the opening exercises was that they can never really know the identities of people they meet online.
3. Ask students if they ever provide personal information over the net. Discuss responses.
Questions for Discussion: How can you protect yourself from online identity theft?
What types of information are okay to share online?
What are some examples of websites where you must register in order to participate?

4. Record the names of the websites on the board. Explain that it’s important to know that sharing user information can put you at risk.
. Questions for Discussion:
What information is required and why do you think it is required?
What information is optional, and why do you think it is optional?
Why do you think websites ask for this kind of information?

5. Explain that some information is safe to share on the Internet and some is not. However, the information that’s considered safe should not be shared with people they don’t already know offline.
6. Elicit a definition of Vocabulary, such as, personal information and private information. Emphasize that personal information is usually safe to share online. Private information is usually unsafe to share online
7 Ask why would someone want to steal someone else’s identity on the Internet.
8. Define Vocabulary of identity theft. Discuss that an identity thief uses private information to pretend to be the person whose identity he or she has stolen.
9. Questions for Discussion:
What kinds of private information could a thief use to steal your identity?
What kinds of personal information could you share without revealing your identity?
10. Discuss with students that on the Internet people you interact with could be your neighbors or strangers. It’s impossible to know the intentions of people who you’ve never met.
11. Closure
Questions for Discussion
What is identity theft?
. How does personal information and private information differ?
What would be a good rule for kids about giving out private information online?
12. Homework
Have students share what they’ve learned about sharing information online with their parents or family members. Have students discuss with family members the difference between personal information and private information.
Activity can be used in an OPen School night to make parents aware of the dangers that could be present in cyper space.
Materials: Whiteboards