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Tablet use in Centers

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Keywords: Tablet use, centers, experts
Subject(s): Information Skills, Algebra, Spelling, Technology, Grammar, Geometry, Writing, Reading, Math, English/Language Arts
Grades P-K through 9
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Cielo Azul Elementary, Rio Rancho, NM
Planned By: Tina Burton-Crunk
Original Author: Tina Burton-Crunk, Rio Rancho
Teacher will set up 6 ELA centers
1) Reading Fluency, using timer and grade level text
2) Grammar workshop. Ex: Students have to use word tiles to create complete sentences, then write
down their sentences to be shared and improved upon by the next group. Sentences will be assessed
later as a class to see complete sentences.
3) Word making: Students will be given letters and asked to make words, they will write their words down
and after 5 min check against the previous groups words for new words. (teacher will start the list with
5 "hard" words. (use Google)
4)Writing time, students will use a sentence starter and write for 5 minutes and then switch with a
partner to share and expand on the partners' writing.
5) Reading: Students will read quietly for 10 minutes in a book of their choice; probably a group book
since they can not go home.
6)Tablet time:
a) students will be partnered up by need, 2 high and 2 low
b) 2 Students will work on a preassigned app utilizing it to help them practice a skill: grammar,
letter naming, phonics, blending, word building, etc...
c) while 2 are working the tablet 2 more will be using cards to practice their skill at the 5 minute
timer the partners will switch and the other two will take over the tablet.

Teacher will setup 6 Math"Experts" Centers
Each center will be run by the expert who will manage and lead the group. This allows for more mobility for the teacher and to pull individuals as she sees their need to or to assess. The centers are designed to be quick reminder sets. they are also good for quick assessments and checkins. experts are expected to let teacher know if a particular student is struggling or does not know how to do the concept. Time, money are always good check-ins.
1 & 2) Number Fluency: Quick Multiplication/ Division Facts or Addition/ Subtraction Facts
3)Number naming: expert will say/ write a number others will write the number they hear or see in
another predesignated form.
4) Rounding: Again expert leads group by giving them a number and the place value to round to
5) Large addition and subtraction problems.
6)Tablet time:
a) students will be partnered up by need, 2 high and 2 low
b) 2 Students will work on a preassigned app utilizing it to help them practice a skill: Fact flash
cards, random problems to solve, geometry shape naming, 4th grade math concepts, 4th grade
learning games, Math puppy (facts), etc...
c) while 2 are working the tablet 2 more will be using cards to practice their skill at the 5 minute
timer the partners will switch and the other two will take over the tablet.

Students will cycle in 10 minute sessions.
Student run centers take a lot of initial work to set up and GOOD time management skills. Once students know how the centers work and are able to complete each on their own it is less work It is also a good idea to always have a strong with the lower level kiddos simply to assist in making the correct choices and for good role models. Also by teaching their peers students are reinforcing their own learning.
FYI: The apps I mention above are from Google Playstore, there are similar ones in the applestore I just don't know them or have access to them
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This would be a good time to place a Social Studies or Science text in to have the explore and begin becoming familiar with
Extend centers change them as new concepts arise or change.
Materials: Whiteboards, English/Language Arts, Math, Early Learning, ESL, Worksheets, Student Resources, Assessment, Speech and Language, Hardware Devices
Other Items: 26 White boards
1 Tablets
26 Dry erase markers
Fluency sheets
Word tiles
Letter tiles