Maxi's Amazing Adventures Page Views: 1783
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Keywords: tablet, centers, home, classroom |
Subject(s): Art, Photography, Animation, Technology, Early Learning, Journalism, Writing, Reading |
Grades P-K through K |
NETS-S Standard: - Communication and Collaboration
- Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards |
School: Holy Trinity School, Laconia, NH |
Planned By: Johanna Currier |
Original Author: Johanna Currier, Laconia |
• Current Materials: 1. Maxi Bear (teddy bear) 2. Extra Clothes and bag that she/he travels with 3. Notebook 4. Photo Album 5. Use of parents camera or phone to take photos
Future Materials: 1. Maxi Bear (teddy bear) 2. Extra Clothes and bag that she/he travels with 3. Trio Stealth Tablet
•Objective—At the beginning of the school year, during morning meeting Maxi Bear will be introduced to the class as the traveling bear to have adventures with. The students will choose a few activities to do with Maxi Bear and use the tablet to photograph, video, draw and write about the adventures that they choose. Examples: Read a book (could be one from the tablet or one that you have) Play with toys Have a pretend tea party Invite Maxi to the dinner table Watch a movie Go to a soccer game Go to dance class
•Instruction- During weekly morning meeting the teacher will assign and review the expectations for Maxi Bear. On Monday morning, Maxi Bear will go home with student A. He/She will use the tablet to take pictures and videos about what they are doing with Maxi Bear at home. He/She will use the notepad app on the tablet to write a few sentences about what Maxi Bear did. (parents at home can help on this part). On Friday, Maxi Bear will return to class. The student who had Maxi Bear will demonstrate during Friday morning meeting what he/she did with Maxi Bear on the tablet. In addition to talking about the expectations for Maxi Bear, during morning meeting and centers, the teacher will demonstrate how to use the camera functions on the tablet, how to use the notepad app on the tablet and how to use the drawing app on the tablet. The teacher will also send home written instructions for the tablet for the child’s parent in their binder.
•Modeling—Show example of previous adventure of Maxi Bear on the tablet in all capabilities of the tablet (camera, video, apps, etc).
•Check for Understanding- Teacher will check for understanding by looking at the tablet for photographs, video, drawings and writing sentences from the student who had Maxi Bear that week. When the tablet is in the classroom and is being used at centers; the students can practice using the functions of the tablet whether it is the camera, writing and drawing apps, reading e-books, learning apps, letter recognition. The possibilities are endless!
•Guided Practice—Teacher will assist the student who had Maxi Bear during morning meeting if they do not want to independently share the pictures, videos, drawings about their Maxi Bear Adventures. Again, when the tablet is in the classroom and is being used at centers; the students can practice using the functions of the tablet with the assistance of the teacher or another capable student.
•Independent Practice—Teacher will ask student if they would like to show the class during morning meeting the adventures of Maxi Bear on the tablet. They will do this independently without teacher assistance and when the tablet is in the classroom and is being used at centers; the students can practice using the functions of the tablet without the assistance of the teacher.
•Whole Group/Bring Back/Share: This will be the time for peers to comment or ask questions to the student who had Maxi Bear for that week. Both peers and the teacher will practice positive feedback statements such as, “I really liked how you…”. This is a great self-esteem boosting activity and also includes public speaking.
•Assessment: Student who had Maxi Bear will receive positive praise for presenting during morning meeting; will get a smiley face in their Bear Binder for completing the assignment. They will get immediate positive praise from their classmates during morning meeting. The student will have mastered the use of the tablet and all the functions that they needed to complete the assignment. Assessment of classroom tablet use will be made weekly when the tablet is used at centers both independent use and/or with more than one student. |
Comments |
USA Today published an article titled ‘Tablets rewrite the classroom rules’. In this article it states that “In a mere four years, tablets have gone from gee-whiz gadgets to household items. And in the field of education, they have become a must-have for students and teachers.” Only 50% of the PK-C class has the use of a tablet in their home. "When tablets are used effectively in the classroom, I've had teachers tell me they can never go back to the way they taught before," says Julie Evans, CEO of Project Tomorrow, which tracks technology in K-12 classrooms. PK-C (Holy Trinity Catholic School) would love to be one of those schools who have the option to use technology at home and in the classroom. Teachers can use the technology in a variety of ways; learning apps, online educational videos, e-textbooks and Internet access can enhance the classroom experience. One of the biggest benefits to modern technology (a tablet) is connecting school to home; home to school, involving the family in the learning experience.
A tablet is a real tool in our world today and children see teachers and adults using it daily. Tablets are designed to be intuitive, and even pre-K children are capable of using it without instructions.
We hope that PK-C can take Maxi Bear on his/her next adventures on a tablet! |
Cross-Curriculum Ideas |
Demonstrate during morning meeting or centers all the functions of the tablet. Students will gain increased knowledge of tablet technology to further their learning experiences. Examples of use could be learning apps, online educational videos, e-books and Internet access. All of this can enhance the classroom experience. |
Follow-Up |
The use of the tablet at home and in the classroom promotes safe, fun, and positive technology education. Community service projects can be done at home and then shared in class on the tablet with or without the help of Maxi Bear. |
Links: |
Adventure's of Maxi Bear Movie
Materials: |
Wacom Tablets, Headsets, Bags and Cases, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Early Learning, Books, Inspiration, Authoring and Publishing, Slideshow, Animation, Video Tools |
Other Items: |
1 Trio Stealth G4 Tablet , $200.00 each, total of $200.00 1 JBuddies Headphones , $included each 1 Trio Stealth G4 Tablet- case , $11.99 each, total of $11.99 |