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Static Electricity Intro.

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Keywords: Static Electricity, Interactive Notebooks, Science, 5E Model
Subject(s): Social Skills, Technology, Science, Writing, Reading
Grades 3 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Mocksville Elementary School, Mocksville, NC
Planned By: Candace Easter
Original Author: Candace Easter, Mocksville
Teaching Standard: Common Core State Standard (CCSS4.P.1.2)
Students know that an object that has been electrically charged pulls or pushes on all other charged objects and that this can result in motion. Students know that electrical charges can result in attraction, repulsion or electrical discharge.

To begin the lesson, the teacher will engage students by giving teams a balloon. Students are instructed to blow up their balloons and find a way to get the balloons to stick to the wall.

Students will work with their team to do whatever they can to get the balloon to stick to the wall. The teacher will allow students time to try to get the balloon to stick. Once students have gotten the balloon to stick, they will then take another balloon that is not charged and try to stick it to the charged balloon. Finally, students will try to stick two charged balloons together.

Students will return to their seats and get on their Chromebooks to access their online science interactive notebook through Google Classroom. (This science interactive notebook is a pre-made, editable, notebook created through Google Slides. The notebook is basically an outline for students to add information, access links, insert photos or videos, and share ideas with peers and/or the teacher. The notebook is completely digital, therefore; it can be accessed on any device, anywhere that has internet access). Once students have logged in, students will type in their explorations with the balloons into the journal section of their interactive notebook.
Following their journal writing page, students will have an interactive notebook page for Static Electricity. The teacher will explain that what they just witnessed together was static electricity. Next, student teams will be instructed to gather information on static electricity by selecting a link from the static electricity page in their interactive notebooks.
Links to articles and videos for students to choose from:





After collecting information about static electricity, students will post their information using Padlet <http://padlet.com>. Using this tool, students can benefit from collaboratively collecting various information outside of their personalized interactive notebooks. This way students have access to multitudinous information on static electricity, but can take what they can use to understand the topic back to their interactive notebook. Another great thing about Padlet is that it gives the class one centralized place for all of the collected information found by everyone.

The teacher will then talk through the Padlet posts from students and go on to give a clear explanation of what static electricity is. (Static electricity is an electric charge that is typically created by friction. Friction is created by rubbing two things together. Rubbing the balloon at the beginning of class, to try to make it stick to the wall, was an example of friction. Considering static electricity is released all at once, it has not yet been harnessed for powering anything). The class will also discuss how the experiment at the beginning of the lesson was static electricity and what some other examples are.

Students will complete a quick Google Form that has questions pertaining to static electricity. This is a quick assessment to see how students understand the topic and see where we need to focus tomorrow.

Students will be given time to go back into their science interactive notebooks to add any additional notes to their journal. This is to ensure that they have a clear understanding of static electricity and examples of it.
The items needed for my classroom are crucial to the success of my students. I work for a Title 1 school and many of these students do not have access to the technology we would be using in my classroom. I feel that every student should have the tools that help them, personally, learn. Having these Chromebooks easily accessible in my classroom would open a great deal of opportunities for my students and the various ways in which they learn.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
During this science lesson students will be using an online interactive notebook to journal and to access links to articles. Students will be engaged in both reading and writing through these opportunities.
A follow-up activity I would have students participate in would take place the day after the initial lesson on static electricity. Students would come in with the knowledge obtained previously from the above lesson and participate in a discussion bringing static electricity back to the forefront of their minds.

Next, we would do a Project Based Learning assignment. Students will complete a project with their team in which they must create a way to demonstrate static electricity. Various resources such as; books, tablets, computers, and experimentation will be available to all students. Student teams will then submit their completed projects by the end of class. Students will then participate in a gallery walk and view the other team's static electricity projects.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Power, Integrating Technology
Other Items: 15 V2W30UT#ABA HP INC. : SBUY Chromebook EE Rugged, Celeron N2840, 11.6 HD AG LED SVA, UMA, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 16GB eMMC, AC, BT, 3C Battery, Chrome, 1yr Warranty, $250.00 each, total of $3750.00
1 Custom Educational Furnishings LLC EZPadTI-15 Grey Nebula 15 iPad Charging Cabinet, $369.00 each, total of $369.00