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Digital Curation: A way to organize your favorite Web 2.0 tools Page Views: 459
ENGAGE: Students will be asked about what digital tools that they currently use in the classroom. Students will watch a video about some of the Web 2.0 tools available today. EXPLORE: Students will explore different Web 2.0 tools posted to my personal curation of digital makerspace resources at http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=2169702&backurl=/shelf/myEXPLAIN: Students will choose 1 digital tool to learn, make a simple presentation that explains the tool and why it appeals to them, and then presents the tool to the class ELABORATE: 1. Students will continue to explore various Web 2.0 tools using the American Association of School Librarian's "Best Websites for Teaching and Learning" list at http://www.ala.org/aasl/standards/best/websites (students may also check out the YouTube channel by USC professor Heather Moorefield-Lang for current tech happenings at https://www.youtube.com/user/TechFifteen/videos) 2. Students will choose 3 different types of tools (i.e. movie makers, storyboard makers, coding, blogging, etc.) to research 3. Students will make their own digital curation of the categories of tools they chose using a digital curation platform such as Livebinder, Pearl Trees, Storify, Symbaloo, Diijo, Paper.li, etc. EVALUATE: 1. Students will make their digital curation open to their peers and perform peer and self-evaluations. 2. Students will reflect on the value of digital curation programs in terms of access to Web 2.0 tools |