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Great Plains Communications' Grant Program

Description: Great Plains Communications offers the Great Plains Communications' Grant Program as part of our 'Commitment to the Schools' program. A total of $20,000 is awarded annually to schools in Great Plains Communications' telephone and cable television service areas. The maximum amount awarded to one school district is $5,000. The grants are awarded in the spring for use the following school year. The grant program is intended to encourage exceptional and unique ideas that improve the educational process. The program provides resources to add challenging new units or projects to the curriculum.
Deadline: March 1, annually
Grant Website: http://www.gpcom.com/about/scholarships
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
Foundation: Great Plains Communications
Foundation's Website: http://www.gpcom.com/
Low Range of Grant: N/A
High Range of Grant: $5,000
Subjects: Technology, General Education, Staff Development
Keywords: curriculum development, project resources,

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