English in Pictures Food Free
Mind GA
Grades: Pre-K to 12
Downloads: 50,000-250,000
Num. Ratings: 102 Free
Comments by Sam
- 06/06/2012
Great!!It's simple and very helpful for my mom to learn some English words k related to food. She really enjoys it.
by Rupesh
- 05/06/2012
SuperbLove it
by Alex_a
- 03/10/2012
1/2Bun! ! Very nice!)
by Богдан
- 06/24/2011
strong app:-P
by Dan
- 05/28/2011
Cool app and nice pictures!
by K'nite
- 06/06/2012
A trap like online skype prayer channels.Cool way to establish a relationship between speech tonality & patterns. When I say relationship, I mean association, I didn't mean to sound devious Disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. If someone was to be devious, like that socially retarded brother in law or his evil sneering wife using this to create a database of you by collecting very clean, enunciated speech samples - "Record Online Klean Sound" (rocks) aka Rock Collecting, then they use sound technology to frame an innocent person.