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Andie Graph
Doug Melton
Andie Graph
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Grades: 9 to 12
Downloads: 50,000-250,000
Num. Ratings: 822

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Get a TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+, TI-85, AND TI-86 emulator for your phone!

Andie Graph is an Android port of the AlmostTI emulator by Marat Fayzullin (http://fms.komkon.org/).

***ROM NOT INCLUDED. Due to a request from TI, this app will NOT WORK until you EXTRACT the ROM from YOUR OWN CALCULATOR. See http://dougmelton.com/roms for details. (This is similar to other emulators on the market: GameBoid, SNESoid, GBAEmulator, NESoid, psx4droid, etc)***

More questions? Please read the FAQs: http://dougmelton.com/andie-graph/#faqs

The TI-8X series of calculators work great as standalone calculators, showing 8 lines of history, using standard mathematical notation. Each model was designed with more specific purposes in mind:

The TI-82 is designed for algebra and trigonometry. Graph and compare functions, perform variable substitution, and solve single variable equations.

The TI-83 is designed for statistics and trigonometry. Graph and compare functions, and perform data plotting and analysis.

The TI-85 is great for engineering and computer science. Graph and compare functions, perform bit manipulation and convert between numeric bases.

The TI-86 is great for engineering and calculus. Graph and compare functions, perform bit manipulation and convert between numeric bases. Solve differential equations, plot vector fields.

All models allow you to write programs in TI-BASIC and perform basic scientific calculator operations.

Follow @dgmltn for updates!

Recent changes:
[*] Fixed a user reported Force Close
[*] Fixed a user reported Force Close
[+] Added support for TI-83+
[*] Fixed two user reported bugs
[*] Debugging for Motorola Xoom
[*] Debugging for Motorola Xoom, Motorola Atrix
[+] Added support for older Android versions (1.6 Donut-2.1 Eclair)
[*] Updated contact info
[*] Fixed several user reported force close bugs

Content rating: Everyone
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by Jake
- 11/06/2011
Used this app for precal trig.Love the app but would like to see emulator for the TI-89. This would give it 5 stars.

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by larry
- 11/05/2011
Great appDL a shared rom. flawless performance. More options and models would be even better. Including a link to a sucessful search for roms would be nice :]

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by nhall1211
- 11/05/2011
Add TI-84!Great, but please add the TI-84! Also there is an error on the TI-83+ key layout: the 2nd function on the x^-1 key says FINANCE instead of MATRIX.

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by justin
- 11/05/2011
GreatWorks like a charm. Search on your phone for roms and unzip. Droid X.

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by Page
- 11/03/2011
It won'trespond to me pressing buttons.

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by eggo
- 11/03/2011
Love itLove the app.. Ridiculous battery drain though

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by Tina
- 11/02/2011
So where do I start out it would be very helpful for people that don't know about roms a step by step vid plz

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by louisoel
- 11/02/2011
CrashCrashes phone Galaxy S II (at&t attain)

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by Samantha
- 11/02/2011
QuestionDo you download the ROM off a computer and then hook up the phone or can you do it directly from the phone?

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by grant
- 11/02/2011
Sucks doesn't even work!?