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Wanted - Dead or Alive

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Keywords: Trickster Tales, Posters, Animation, Games
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, Technology, Photography
Grades 3 through 6
School: Unadilla Elementary School, Unadilla, NY
Planned By: Marcy Anderson
Original Author: Marcy Anderson, Otego

Lesson Summary:

Part 1:
Students will hear and read a variety of trickster tales from Africa. They will identify the characteristics of tricksters. From their research, students will create a clay model of a trickster character. Students will use OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAS to create a mug shot of each character. Students will use TOOL FACTORY WORKSHOP to import their digital camera pictures. Then, students will create a life-size chart using TOOL FACTORY software. Students will use WORD PROCESSING software to create the text of the chart. This chart will be designed as a wanted poster, and will include:
•a description of the suspect
•charges against the suspect
•amount of the reward
•contact person and/or telephone number to call should the trickster be sighted
•a photograph taken by the student of the suspect created out of clay (This clay character will be animated in the second part of this project.)

Part II:
Students will photograph and animate the trickster character’s story by taking a series of step-by-step photos showing the trickster’s criminal activities. Students will be taught how to manipulate photos using WHOLE CLASS FRESCO to create special effects. The CLAYMATION software in the MULTIMEDIA LAB V will be used to record the crime. These mini-movies and the charts will be featured on a web site created with TOOL FACTORY HOME PAGE so parents, grandparents, and community members can access student work from home via the Internet.

Part III
Students will develop learning games for all of our primary students based on these trickster tales. Each of the third grade classes will be assigned a k-2 grade level and asked to design a game based upon their tales. Students will use cameras to take pictures of tricksters to develop a matching game using MULTIMEDIA LAB V for our kindergarten students. Another third grade class will use cameras to create a game for 1st graders. This game will focus on discovering the main idea of a trickster’s tale. Finally, students in our 2nd grade classes will be challenged by a sequencing game developed from photos taken with cameras by our last class of third graders. Students will be using DIGITAL CAMERAS, TOOL FACTORY WORKSHOP WORD PROCESSING and PAINT PROGRAMS and the MULTIMEDIA LAB V to produce these games.

Lesson Sequence:

-Students will be provided with a student packet of materials which includes an overview of the project, objectives, step by step directions, worksheets, and rubrics.
-Students will read, listen to, and view a variety of trickster tales.
-Using a Venn diagram, students will compare and contrast various African trickster tales.
-After being exposed to a variety of tales, students will choose one character from a trickster tale and create a “Wanted Chart” based on a story.
-Using the writing process, students will create the text for the chart.
-The computer specialist and classroom teacher will teach students how to use the word processing computer software.
-The art teacher will work with students to create clay models of their trickster characters.
-Students will learn how to use the digital cameras through demonstration and practice.
-The art teacher will do lessons on background, lighting, framing the subject, and animating the subject.
-Students will take individual photos of the trickster for their poster.
-In groups, students will also take a series of photos to be used in the animation for the multimedia presentation to be posted on the web site.
-The music teacher will work with students helping them effectively use sound with the animation.
-Students will learn how to import photos, animation, sound, and music into the multimedia presentation.
-Students will be taught by the computer specialist how to use Tool Factory Workshop, Multimedia Lab V, Whole Class Fresco, and Tool Factory Homepage to complete each step of the project.
-Students will share their knowledge of African Trickster tales by creating educational games to be used with primary classes.
- Students and teacher will evaluate each project based on rubrics.

•Students will gain skills in reading, writing, and listening throughout the project.
•Students will learn how to use a digital camera.
•Students will learn how to create animation using digital photography.
•Students will gain experience using a variety of software programs which will enhance communication skills necessary for success in our technological world.
•Students will gain experience utilizing technological instructions and manuals.
•Students will learn how to share information and showcase their work by adding to our school’s web site.
•Students will work together as a team to create educational games using technology.

A student packet was designed for this project. These worksheets will help focus and organize students so they can work independently. A rubric is also included so students and teacher can evaluate completed projects. Samples of some of these forms can be found under the photo section of this application.

This project is based on the following New York State Standards for Learning:
English Language Arts Standards 1, 2, 3, and 4
The Arts Standards 1 and 2
Social Studies Standard 2
Library Standard 1, 2, 3, and 9

A complete listing of N.Y.S. Learning Standards can be found at:
Information Literacy Standards

Triarco Catalog
Van Aken Clay Toon clay $52.00
Clay Tools $21.10
Photolight stand with light $51.00

Bogen 718B Digi Tripod $94.95

Tool Factory
XD Picture Card Reader Writer/ Micro Drive $19.95

Global Gov Ed
Color printer HP – PSC2355 $155.00
2 Black Cartridges – C8765 WN $31.30
2 Tri-color Inkjet Cartridges C9368WN $47.00
2 Photo Inkjet Cartridges C9369WN $38.20

Paper and photographic paper $20.00
Shipping $40.00

Total $570.50*

*Teachers will cover the cost of anything not covered by the 500.00 grant.
*Materials for games will be donated by the art department

Judges' Comments:

"What a fun project for the students!"

"Very appropriate for this age group - they will have lots of fun and learn a lot in the process."

"Great, age-appropriate project. Well-organized implementation steps and motivational for students. Fun!"

This project was a winner in the spring 2006 Oympus/Tool Factory Contest.