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Keywords: immigration, settlers, horses, climate, land use
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Art, Technology, Foreign Language, Social Skills, Photography, Podcasting, Information Skills
Grades 9 through 12
School: South Aiken High School, Aiken, SC
Planned By: Carole Wise
Original Author: Carole Wise , Aiken
Modifying for age level and subject, students create a podcast of their town. High school students should be able to drive, and parents of younger students could help with transportation and audio visual equipment.
Students will create a podcast of their hometown,(Aiken, South Carolina) featuring points of interest, historical sites, old buildings, churches, and museums. The community is featured on many websites as part of the Heritage Corridor of South Carolina. Students will be involved with photographing, interviewing 'native citizens,' and writing scripts for their podcasts.
The finished product could be used with:
- Students and parents new to the state and/or school
- Students in foreign language classes needing practice translating for visiting foreign exchange students (with versions in French, German and Spanish)
- Psychology students studying aging and memory
- Science classes looking at land use and the environment
- Art students examining architecture
- Language Art students focusing on writing skills
- Social Studies students who are studying history
Students might try marketing their product to real estate and business agencies, since the Aiken, S.C. area is growing so quickly
Links: S.C. Heritage Corridor
City of Aiken, S.C.
South Carolina Information Highway
Materials: Mobile Labs, Word Processor, Web Page, Podcasting, Video Editing, English and Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Camera Bags, xD Memory Cards, Digital Voice Recorders, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries
Other Items: 1 Mobile Lab as provided by this grant, $3648.95 each, total of $3648.95
1 Box of computer paper, $25.00 each, total of $25.00
Assortment of batteries, $100.00 each