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Inspiring Change in Our World: One Photograph at a Time

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Keywords: Photography, art
Subject(s): Art, History
Grades 9 through 12
School: East Henderson High School, E Flat Rock, NC
Planned By: Terri Northup
Original Author: Terri Northup, E Flat Rock
Inspiring Change in Our World:
Making a Difference One Photograph at a Time

Great artist/photographers throughout history have foreshadowed and articulated the effects of social, political, cultural, and technological changes on our world. Using the elements of art and the principles of design, my students will attempt to visually articulate the destruction of their beloved mountain environment. They will formulate a plan for action with their photographs and community service so that people who see their pictures will be moved to respond.

Students will experience the power of images created by great photographers in history.

Students will view the photographs stored in the Library of Congress. They will discuss and create Moodle responses about the photographers of the late nineteenth century to the present.

They will identify Jacob Riis for how he used photographs to document the need to reform slum life and Lewis Hine, known for his photographs of child labor.

Students will research the photographers of the Farm Security Administration recording the struggles of the Great Depression.

Students will use their increased powers of observation to create an expression of Realism.

They will learn to evoke emotion in the viewer with their images.

They will document the destruction of their environment and communicate their values and beliefs with a community photography show at a local gallery.

Students will commit to a clean-up of the sites that are the subject of their photographic art.

Terri Northup
Art Instructor
East Henderson High School
E. Flat Rock, NC
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Social Studies
Language Arts
This would be permanent assignment every semester for incoming students.
Links: The Memory Project
Materials: Slideshow, Social Studies, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Digital SLR, Point and Shoot, Mobile Labs, Timeline
Other Items: 17 Canon PowerShot SD750, $174.99 - $182.00 each
2 Digital SLR, $1,500.00 each