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Picture the Future

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Keywords: Portfolios, English, Life Skills, Technology
Subject(s): Social Skills, Geography, Special Needs, Writing, Information Skills, Home Economics, Photography, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Service Learning, Grammar, Math
Grades 4 through 9
School: Westfield High School, Houston, TX
Planned By: Terri Newbolt
Original Author: Terri Newbolt, Houston
Beginning in August, students will compile pictures and copies of their best work on to flash drives. At the end of each semester, students, along with the teacher, will choose the best work from the flash drive, deleting the rest. Pictures of the student will be taken throughout the year showing the student involved in various activities that demonstrate growth during the year.

By the end of each school year, the students will have an electronic portfolio of their accomplishments for that school year. By the end of their senior year, the students will have a completed high school portfolio of their high school years, with copies of their work to show growth, and pictures to show important events that might otherwise be forgotten.
For special needs students in low socioeconomic areas, this is an outstanding way for them to be able to share their academic accomplishments with family and friends.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This project will cross all curriculum lines, following the students to various classes and events
Students will present their portfolios at their annual ARDs to show growth.
Materials: Digital Cameras, Digital SLR, Printers, Camera Bags, Flash/USB Drives, Memory Cards, Clip Art
Other Items: 1 Digital Camera, $154.48 each, total of $154.48
1 Scanner, $45.00 each, total of $45.00
5 Flash / USB drives (4 GB), $24.98 each, total of $124.90
2 memory cards for camera, $24.00 each, total of $48.00