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Cuentitos para niņos...Childrens Stories

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Keywords: Spanish, childrens stories, narration, language
Subject(s): Foreign Language
Grades 10 through 12
School: VirtualSC, Columbia, SC
Planned By: Trixi DeRosa-Davis
Original Author: Trixi DeRosa-Davis, Duncan
Objective: High School students will produce children stories to send to the elementary classes.

Essential Question: How do you the past tense (preterite & imperfect) to tell a childrens story in Spanish?

digital voice recorders
computer lab
Power point

1. Working in partners students will write a childrens story that is appropriate for and appeals to elementary students. Students will focus on using the past tense in Spanish. The stories must be approximately 20 sentences. Students will follow a webquest to aid them in their brainstorming. Students must focus on vocabulary that they already know in Spanish.
2. Students will use power point to develop each slide as a page in their story. They must find clip art to illustrate their pages. Once students have finished writing out their stories and illustrating them they must save their powerpoints as .jpg.
3. Students will import their slides into Moviemaker. Students will add transitions, title slide and credit slides.
4. Students will use digital voice recorders to record the narration to their story. Digital voice recorders are crucial because they would allow students to move to a quiet location to record their narration, instead of the loud computer lab where everyone is talking at once.
5. Students will import their narration into moviemaker. Students will match up their slides and narration. Students will save their childrens stories as a movie.
6. Students will provide the teacher with a translation of their stories.
7. Teacher will email stories and translations to the elementary schools.
8. Students will also view all class videos.
This is a wonderful project that my students would love to participate in. They would take great pride in their stories.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Students in other languages could also use the project idea.
Elementary students could use the videos to come up with inferences about the Spanish words.
Spanish students could continue to use the materials to produce other podcast and practice their Spanish speaking and listening.
Links: Link to Brainstorming webquest
Materials: Mobile Labs, Digital Voice Recorders, Headsets, Flash/USB Drives, Foreign Language