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History and Architect Through Digital Photography

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Keywords: Photography
Subject(s): Social Studies, Photography, Technology, Journalism, History
Grades 10 through 12
School: Northeastern High School, Elizabeth Cty, NC
Planned By: Susan Brown
Original Author: Susan Brown, Elizabeth Cty
Objective: To learn and identify basic architectural features and housing styles.

Teacher Input: Students will learn the various styles of homes and specific architectural features. This will be accomplished through videos, textbook, handouts and powerpoints created by the teacher and purchased DVDs.

Student Input: Students will be able to associate specific architectural features with homes on the historic walking tour that includes home in the downtown area of our city. They will take pictures of architectural features and specific housing styles. The pictures will then be incorporated into a powerpoint presentation. The powerpoint will allow the students to compare various styles and how different homes have incorporated different architectural features. A member of the local historic society will be our guide on the tour.

Activities: Walking Tour
Completion of handout on architectural features
Completion of handout on housing styles
Digital pictures of architectural features
Digital pictures of housing styles
Powerpoint presentation
Rubric for powerpoint

Project Outcome: Students will be able to recognize architectural features, housing styles, housing characteristics based on the era of the home, history of local homes and businesses, and history of our city. They will also incorporate technology through digital photography, powerpoint presentations and picture development/enhancement to create their presentation. They will incorporate writing skills as they describe the historical homes and characteristics associated with each style of home.

Review: Each student will share their presentation with the class and our guide from the historic society.
We began implementing this project last year, but did not have adequate equipment to produce the quality of work that I know students can do with the proper equipment.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Correlation with Social Studies/History/Geography and English
Students will use the pictures to also work with landscape designs and exterior architectural features when designing an additional home.
Materials: Word Processor, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Camera Bags, Digital SLR, Point and Shoot