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"I Believe..." Podcast Style Page Views: 7264
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Keywords: English Language Arts, Podcasting |
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Photography, Reading, Writing, Podcasting, Spelling, Grammar |
Grades 10 through 11 |
School: Huntington High School, Huntington, TX |
Planned By: Wagnon |
Original Author: Wagnon, Huntington |
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: • Acquire skills which enable them to successfully use technology equipment such as digital cameras, computers and podcasting. • Develop the skills and knowledge necessary to develop and create a podcast. • Further develop their reading and writing skills. • Further develop their abilities to analyze literature. • Further develop their communication skills, both written and oral. • Develop a personal understanding of what veterans have given to our country.
As Americans we often take for granted the freedoms we have been given by those who served in the armed forced. Furthermore, many teenagers feel discontented because they believe their "voice" is limited by adults and society. This lesson provides an unique avenue of expression for my students, encourages them to analyze speeches and allows them to understand and thank veterans' for their service.
LESSON ONE As a class students we will read out loud Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream Speech" and John F Kennedy's speech "I Believe in an America Where the Separation of Church and State is Absolute." Upon completing the reading of these speeches we will discuss both speeches, the ideas they presented, the right to free speech and students reactions . The lesson will close with students brainstorming their beliefs in their journals. LESSON TWO This lesson will begin with the journal prompt: "What freedoms/rights do you believe that our military is fighting for and/or has given us?" Upon completing the journal assignment students will begin pre-writing and a rough draft of their own essay entitled "I believe...." Students will use several days in class to write their essay, peer edit and make any needed changes using a word processor program. LESSON THREE In this lesson the students will begin using Tool Factory Podcasting software to publish their written essays and a thank you to those who have served our country in the military! The students will use digital cameras to take a picture of an object that represents their belief to accompany their podcast on our class webpage. The podcast will be presented to the school and community on our annual Veteran's Day Celebration. Furthermore, the podcast will be available to the larger community through our school webpage.
MATERIALS: Tool Factory Podcasting Software and Accessories Digital Camera Word-processing Program
ANTICIPATED OUTCOMES: •Students will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of their rights as Americans. •Students will improve of their self-expression skills, both written and orally. •Students will understand how to implement technology into their learning. •Students will feel validation from expressing their personal beliefs.