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Digital Family Stories Page Views: 2864
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Keywords: digital story telling, family history, questioning, writing process |
Subject(s): Video, Writing, Photography, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar |
Grades 4 through 12 |
School: Naches Valley Intermediate Sch, Naches, WA |
Planned By: Lani Black |
Original Author: Lani Black, Naches |
Tell the students that they will be taking part in a project to collect family stories. The stories can be uploaded to the classroom web site and/or burned to a DVD to be taken home. Explain and provide a writing/research rubric for students to follow. The topics can be as broad as you want or can be narrowed down to a specific event, such as "the day Mt. St. Helens blew".
Student: Decides who they will interview. Write up to ten possible questions to ask. Makes an appointment with the adult family member. Checks out a Flip Video Camera from the teacher. Introduces self and interviewee. Conducts interview and captures on Flip video. Download and edit into a movie. Upload to SchoolTube.com Share in class, share on line with others, add to blog. |