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Keywords: states, USA, graphing
Subject(s): Art, Reading, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Science, Math
Grades 4 through 5
School: Pulaski International School, Chicago, IL
Planned By:
Original Author: Tumara Johnston, Chicago
Before the lesson, students will have learned their 50 states in alphabetical order by listening to a song called the "50 Nifty United States."

The goal is to take a boring report required in 4th grade and make it more creative and student oriented.

Once the students have learned their states, we will use National Geographic books and the Internet to learn and research students chosen states. Students will not discuss their chosen state with other students as everyone in class will be learning about the states and it will become a guessing game based on what they know about the regions and landscapes in the United States.

Students will focus on the states environment, history, National Landmarks, economics, manufacturing and other interesting facts about the state.

The students will research their states and become "Real Estate
Agents" in the class. As agents the students have to decide what information they need to produce in order to give clues about their states, but also persuade other students to "move" or vote for their state as the best of the 50 states.

Students will use a variety of multi-media including, cameras, Internet, printers, a camcorder,and the overhead projector.

Their presentation will be very important because they will have to not only give a presentation about a state, but they will have to make it creative so other students will want to live there.

Once the agents have given their reports and the states have been guessed, then we will make a data chart of the students favorite states. We will graph the data. The top five states chosen will have commercials created by groups of 5 students. The commercials will be video taped and played during Parent Night.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This Lesson will take time but does use reading, writing, social studies, science, and math.
Students will make a commercial about the 5 "best" states to move too.
Materials: Flash/USB Drives, Mice, LCD Monitors, Keyboards, Microphones, Portable, Point and Shoot, DVD Camcorder
Other Items: 1 50 sheets of Construction paper, $5.00 each, total of $5.00
5 boxes of Crayola Markers, $3.00 each, total of $15.00
10 Glue sticks, $.25 each, total of $2.50
5 Boxes of crayons, $1.00 each, total of $5.00
31 Cardboard Bulletin Boards, $2.00 each, total of $62.00