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Presentation Blogs Page Views: 2916
Objectives: Create an audio/video blog for each unit of study. Apply new language skills, vocabulary, grammar patterns, idioms and body language in an appropriate setting and culturally aware situation. Record your presentation without interruption and minimal editing to mark points on your language journey. Share your presentations with students from the target language and culture through various networks and programs, including sister-school exchanges, web-connections and keypal relationships. Standards: World Language Standards- Communication Standard 1.3-Students present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. Communities Standard 5.2-Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Parameters: Use target language only. Draft and outline on the bare bones so it is not a memorized, read presentation. No notes or cue cards. Check audio/video recording for quality and sound.
Procedures: Select a topic from the unit being studied. Select a message or focus of ideas to present in your audio/video blog. Select a location to record the video or take pictures to add to your audio blog.
Schedule a recording time and arrange for assistance if needed to video tape, take pictures or record audio.
Draft an outline of your presentation using a graphic organizer of your choice. Submit to instructor along with any documentation needed for recording at various places.
In the target language, prepare a draft of key points to be covered and include the newest grammar points if there are multiple ways of expressing the same idea or concept.
Practice various scenarios and prepare a back up plan for possible interruptions.
Record your presentation at the designated site. Do not use any note or cue cards. Include comments about the actual surroundings at that time. Try not to pause or edit during your presentation. Complete the entire presentation based on the topic selected. Include an introduction, topic statement, body of discussion/ideas, conclusion and closing remark. (if you are taking pictures and doing a recording on an iPod, be sure to match what you are saying to what you are taking photos of. Keep an accurate log of the photo numbers and your comments.)
Editing: Include your name, date, period and presentation title in the credits. Do not voice over or edit out anything that was recorded.
Send your file to the website or submit in digital form.
Assessments: Use the checklist and rubric to measure your progress throughout the preparation phases. Use the rubric to assess your achievement in the final recording.
Reflection: Complete the reflections to analyze your process, product and behavioral changes to apply to the next presentation.
Sample topic: Introduce your school campus and show us key points of interest. Include your hang out, what to avoid and where to get important information or services.
Grammar check list: existence in/of relative position, location preferences and personal opinion campus/school vocabulary
Organization: Arranges ideas and sentences to focus on a single topic at a time. Completes the task/topic selected. Text Type: Student uses sentences and expanded vocabulary to present a narrative, factual or descriptive topic. Language Control: Demonstrates adequate control by using newly introduced structures, pattern, forms and particles.
Posture/Stature: Student is still and stands upright. Body movements are controlled and appropriate for the presentation. Facial expressions do not detract from the presentation or topic. Eye Contact: Student maintains eye contact with audience most of the time but occasionally returns to notes. May look up/around minimally. Elocution: Student uses a clear voice, loud enough for most of the audience to hear. Pronunciation/ Fluency:Student uses mostly appropriate pronunciation, enunciation and phrasing. Errors do not detract from the overall presentation. Organization: Student presents information in a sequence that the audience can follow and understand. Text Type: Student uses complete sentences and expanded vocabulary to complete the task. Includes a sample of introduced grammar patterns and vocabulary. Topic/Content: Student presents simple information or descriptions that complete the topic selected for the presentation. Mechanics: Presentation may have some minor grammatical errors (covered grammar) that do not distract from or change the meaning/message of the presentation.
Oral Presentation: Level 2 (Hawaii Content and Performance Standards) Presents without reading and minimal reference to notes, a narrative, descriptive or factual piece relating to a personal experience or event (within the scope of the task and topic selected) using appropriate grammar and vocabulary (that is the focus of this assessment/topic). May contain non-distracting errors (in covered grammar and vocabulary) that do not detract from the flow and understanding of the topic.
Follow-Up |
Peer assessments and comments are a great way to help them improve.
The can also share with others in other classes or send them to schools/visitors to share information.about their school or community. |
Materials: |
Mobile Labs, Slideshow |
Other Items: |
Flip video iPods with TuneTalk iMovie webpage Quick Time |