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Weather Forecast Project

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Keywords: Weather, Atmosphere, Video, PhotoBooth
Subject(s): Video, Social Skills, Technology, Geography, Writing, Earth Science, Information Skills, Spelling, Grammar, Science
Grades 6 through 12
School: Arrowwood Elementary School, Littleton, CO
Planned By: Chris Graham-Herring
Original Author: Chris Graham-Herring, Littleton
Information Resouces
Use the new Weather and Atmosphere unit adopted by the district and all of the knowledge gained studying this material along with websites such as wunderground.com, freestockfootage.com, and cueprompter.com.

Using the software listed below and using a Mac, you and your partner will create a professional looking weather forecast based on the weather maps shown in Activity 69 of the science book.

My forecast date is August _________.

I understand that a grade-level forecast includes:

• An accurate account of the weather derived from the weather map in Activity 69 of the science notebook.
• A 2-3 minute, well-written script that I have pasted into cueprompter.com.
• At least three backgrounds that go with the weather forecast found in freestockfootage.com.
• Competent use of iPhoto and iMovie.
• A final weather forecast that shows a title and credits.
• My forecast turned into Mrs. G-H’s turn-in folder by the due date.

My project is due on: ___________________________________

I used a teacher-created rubric from http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php using a 4-point scale. I assessed Use of Software, Requirements, Content, Oral Presentation, Originality, and Workload Division.

I allowed students to create commercials using the Macs to insert into or after their weather forecast.

The student will:
 How weather is measured and indicated on a weather map
 How to use iPhoto and iMovie well-enough to create a forecast with backgrounds
 How to create a script and import it into cueprompter.com.
 Pull three backgrounds (at least) from freestockfootage.com and place them into their forecast.
 Write a script and place it into the cue prompter software.
 Film a forecast
 Edit the forecast: may use transitions, title, and credits

I want students to understand that meteorologists use scientifically gathered data placed on weather maps to read and create forecasts.

This lesson had a high-engagement level for my kids. Helping them keep track of the deadlines and time left in class was all that was needed.

Materials: DVD Camcorder