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Traveling Memories

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Keywords: technology, digital storytelling, integrating,
Subject(s): Video, Social Skills, Technology, Autism, Geography, Podcasting, Special Needs, Writing, Music, Reading, Information Skills, Photography, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Service Learning, Grammar, Journalism, Drama, History
Grades P-K through 4
School: Lyman Elementary, Lyman, SC
Planned By: Ruth Howell
Original Author: , Lyman
Students will create a digital story of a real life experience. Students will check out a "traveling memory" bag that contains a digital camera or flip video, and a notebook. They will capture an event or experience they have outside of school, such as a vacation, family graduation, birthday party, etc...They will write the script or photo captions, download the pictures at school and create a digital story they will be able to keep.
Materials: Flip Video, Point and Shoot, Digital SLR, Memory Cards