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Keywords: researching, interviewing, podcast, Social Studies, Information Literacy
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Information Skills, Reading, Writing, Podcasting, Social Skills, Journalism
Grades 1 through 6
School: Hampton Elementary School, Hampton, CT
Planned By: Linda Sanchini
Original Author: Linda Sanchini, Hampton
Language Arts CT Standard: Communicating with Others
3.2 Students prepare, publish and/or present work appropriate to audience, purpose and task.
Social Studies CT Standard:6.3-4.3 Explain the importance of taking an active role in political leadership and public service in their school and community
Technology and Literacy Ed CT. Goal: Communicate information and ideas, conduct research, organize data and solve problems, and create original works

Students will:

Research the jobs and roles of their selected townsperson.
use of web sites

Plan the interview by deciding what they want to learn about the townsperson's job.
Create questions plus one that asks them what is one book that they remember reading when they were growing up.
Contact the townsperson to schedule the interview.

Organize for the interview by writing down their questions on notecards.
Practice reading their questions aloud using our WEAVER techniques.
(Word choices, Eye Contact, Affect or Attitude, Voice, Every body movement has a purpose, and Rate of speaking/listening)
Practice using audio visual equipment

Conduct the interview
Check the information to see if it answers the questions.
Make changes.
Share the final product of their interview with the townsperson.
Check off sheet for launching of podcast.
Write a thank you note to the townsperson.

Review process and complete a reflection assessment of the activities

Teacher will:

explain to students the project: Creating a Hampton Podcast. Explain that each student will research a local official's role with the idea to create a 2 minute informational podcast

preteaching of Communities, a place where people live, work and have fun.
focus on our community and the officials that Hampton has.
Provide time for students to complete their research of the roles and to create interview questions.
provide ample opportunity for student to practice WEAVER
Provide opportunity to use and practice using the audio and flip video equipment

Contact the selected officials with details and information regarding the interview and podcast process. Provide them with the questions from the student interviewer.
Check in day before scheduled interview.
Share the final product before launching.

On day of interview
Check audio visual tech equipment: flip video, audio equipment

After interviews are done:
review with each student their interviews
create audio or visual files for podcast
edit where necessary
create podcast

conduct a student reflection assessment
review the assessments

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Language Arts, Tech Ed, Social Studies
Invite those interviewed to a viewing
students create their own communities
Links: link to our town's web site
how to plan a city
online community field trip
build a neighborhood PBS site
U.S.A. government site on communities
Materials: Headsets, Batteries, Video Tools, Digital Voice Recorders, Podcasting