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The Civil War Through the Eyes of Students

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Keywords: Civil War, Expository Writing, Oral Communication, Technology
Subject(s): Art, Video, Technology, Dyslexia, Writing, Reading, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, History
Grades 7 through 8
School: Immaculate Conception School, Wellsville, NY
Planned By: Nora Burdick
Original Author: Nora Burdick, Wellsville
-Each student will choose an historical figure and research his/her impact on the events leading up to/ and during the Civil War.
-The research will be done during their scheduled technology period.
-The students will download 3 sources to be used to develop the research paper.
-Students must highlight important facts that will be woven into a research paper.
-During the technology period, the students will practice/and develop keyboarding skills by creating a rough draft for the paper from an outline.
-Each student will edit his/her paper using the editing symbols we have studied.

The students will present an oral report during our ELA and SS class periods. *Each student will present in character facts from the life of each character and his/her impact on the Civil War.
-I will video tape the presentations with the Flip Video 120 Camera purchased from Digital Wish.
-The class will be able to watch the video as a review lesson. Each child can review his/her presentation to assess his/her communication skills.

Our culminating event will be a living history presentation for the 7th grade.
7th grade will interview the students in conjunction with the 7th grade unit on writing a newspaper article.

This lesson serves to offer a multi-sensory approach to learning to support all classroom learners. It addresses the NYS standards for 8th grade SS and ELA.

This lesson can be adapted for 3rd-12th grades

I have worked to design a cross curricular project for my students. They were able to practice keyboarding skills, editing, and communication skills. The students were able to relate to the information covered in our text with a personal connection
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
The technology instructor was able to support the project by allowing the students to research an historical figure, locate and read reliable resources, save their reports to a flash drive, print and edit.
We will continue to support learning through a multi-sensory approach. Our NYS SS Curriculum covers American History from the Civil War through the Present. Our flip cameras offer an opportunity to take a look back at what has been covered.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Flip Video, Printers, Camera/Video Accessories, Camera Bags, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Batteries, Memory Cards, Keyboards, English/Language Arts, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Dyslexia