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Movie Maker: Retelling a story

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Keywords: Movie Maker, Retelling story, Comprehension
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing, Reading, Photography
Grades 3 through 6
School: Lawtey Cmty School, Lawtey, FL
Planned By: Karen Christian
Original Author: Karen Christian, Lawtey
1. 3 Student read a novel - this is a collaborative project over 10 days (post-reading) Introduce project and rubrics.

2. Writing and Planning: Student will make an 8 frame Movie Maker project retelling their story. There must be a title page with the name of the book, their name, date, and class. A picture or illustration of the cover will be a part of the title page. There must be at least 1 photo. They must have at least 1 link imported, which could be a PowerPoint or internet element. There must be at least 1 music clip that matches the story line. No more than 1 sentence per page. Students must draw out each frame before filming. Credit page will be added to as they work through the project. Teacher conferencing on day 2.

3. Once the 8 frames are planned out, students will conference with teachers to be sure that they have all the elements for the title page; shows beginning, middle, and end; know what picture best represents a part of the story element; plot, setting, characters represented logically; link planned out; music selected; one sentence per frame established; and credit page has begun.

4. Students begin the video process. After downloading video and pictures, students begin the MM project. They set up their story. Edit clips, Insert music and decide what link can be imported. Students conference with one another and teacher 2 days after begin of MM Project. Brainstorm ideas, discuss changing storyboard ideas.

5. Day 7-8: students should have project past rough draft and begin adding transitions and adding to credit page. Teacher views project for the first time.

Day 9-10: complete project and present to class via rotating centers. Grading Rubric will reviewed before grading.


4 points: 8 frames; music; photo; title page; credit page; imported link; clear transitions; has a beginning, middle, and end; has characters, plot, and setting.

3 points: 1 element missing

2 points: 2 elements missing

1 point: 3 elements missing
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This could be done for a Social Students unit; Geography unit; and/or a science unit
Students can write their own story. Then, present it on a MM project.
Links: Discovery Education
Student Tube
Materials: Flip Video, DVD Camcorder, Microphones, Video Tools, Pen Readers, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Keyboards, Headsets, LCD Monitors, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Sound Libraries, Assessment