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Thanks for Your Service

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Keywords: Veteran's, Powerpoint, Photography, Interviews,
Subject(s): Art, Video, Social Skills, Technology, Geography, Early Learning, Writing, Music, Reading, Information Skills, Photography, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Journalism, Drama, Civics, Math, Speech and Language, History
Grades P-K through 12
School: Richard Hardy Memorial School, S Pittsburg, TN
Planned By: Sheila Stephenson
Original Author: Sheila Stephenson, S Pittsburg
Step 1: Students will research the 5 military branches which make up the U.S. Armed Forces. Depending on the age of the students will depend upon the activity choices (Older students will provide assistance to younger ones). During this research, students will identify wars and other actions performed on behalf of the U.S. Make a chart of the wars, years, number of soldiers who served, where they served, etc.

Step 2: Students will contact local veteran's agencies such as the American Legion, and the Veteran's of Foreign Wars to coordinate activities and availability of speakers in their area.

Step 3: All students will bring in photos of men and women who have served in the armed forces. These will be scanned into the computer and placed in a Powerpoint presentation. These photos will also be put on display on the Wall of Fame for a special Veteran's Day Program.

Step 4: All students will write thank you letters/cards and draw pictures showing their gratitude for what they have done for our country. Students may also write reports on the wars, write poetry, or other creative writing appropriate for the occasion.

Step 5: PreK-8th grade students will learn patriotic music to perform at the program for the veteran's and their families.

Step 6: Students will create a map of the world marking the locations of where these soldiers have fought or intervened. This map will be placed on the wall for display during the program.

Step 7: Students will conduct interviews of veteran's in their local area. These interviews will be published in the paper and online on the school paper. Additionally the yearbook staff will prepare a layout for the annual.

Step 8: Students will create patriotic decorations to put up for the program.

Step 9: High school students will write the program, create a bulletin to hand out inviting veterans and a program to hand out for the event on November 11th. They will also provide a reception and plan the menu, organize the layout in the cafeteria for it, serve the food and clean up afterward.

Lesson plan is left open to interpretation by all schools purposely. Depending upon how far you want to take it. My school is PreK-12, if you have a different configuration, add or delete activities as needed.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This covers most curriculum areas. Science is the only one not involved.
This will be an annual event, so it can be ongoing from one year to the next. Students can create a database of local veterans for use from one year to the next with contact information and service information.
Links: Veteran's Day Teacher Resource Guide
Take A Vet to School Day
Veteran's History Project
History of Veteran's Day
US Armed Forces
Materials: DVD Camcorder, Point and Shoot, Auditorium, Digital Voice Recorders, Microphones, Art Tools, Video Tools, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Batteries, Memory Cards, Cables, Office Suite, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Authoring and Publishing, Web Page, Slideshow, Clip Art, Timeline, Sound Libraries, Midi Instruments