SKYPE PALS Project Share NC Page Views: 5119
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Keywords: Spanish, Digital Storytelling, Social Studies, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Foreign Language |
Subject(s): Civics, Drama, Journalism, Grammar, Spelling, English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Photography, Information Skills, Reading, Writing, Podcasting, Geography, Technology, Speech and Language, Social Skills, Video, Foreign Language, History |
Grades 4 through 12 |
School: Whitaker Elementary School, Winston Salem, NC |
Planned By: Leah O'Neal |
Original Author: Leah O'Neal, Winston Salem |
SYPE PALS Project Share NC
Objectives: 1.) To use Skype and digital storytelling technology such as Flip Video cameras to communicate and exchange cultural and language information with a Latin American country. 2.) To describe school life, family life, typical foods/meals, holidays/celebrations, leisure time activities, geography and climate of North Carolina 3.) To compare and contrast life in North Carolina with life in Latin America.
This project would be especially suitable for Grades 4 and 5 as it addresses North Carolina Standard Course of Study objectives.
Essential Questions: 1.) How are our lives different from and/or similar to our Skype Pals? 2.) How does the climate and geography affect Skype Pals’ lives? How are climate and geography different? 3.) What effects do culture, climate, and geography have in Skype Pals’ lives?
Project Components: 1.)Engage/Activate prior knowledge/Build context regarding Latin American country, Skyping, and Digital Storytelling -Teach lessons that introduce students to skyping and digital storytelling. Conduct some preliminary research about Skype Pals’ country.
2.) Introduction: Conduct introductory Skyping session with Skype Pals in which students and teachers collaborate to plan the project.
3.)Create Digital Presentations about life in North Carolina using Flip Video Cameras and Podcasting Technology. Students collaborate and utilize all communication/presentation skills in order to create brief presentations about life in North Carolina. Topics include the following: School Life in North Carolina, Family Life in North Carolina, Typical foods/Meals, Leisure Time, Holidays/Celebrations, Geography/Climate, Final Presentation of similarities and differences between North Carolina and the Latin American country using Venn diagram.
4.)Share/Discuss Digital Presentations with Skype Pals’ on the Worldwide Web. Students utilize Skype and such media sharing sites as Google Wave, Teacher Tube, and Windows Live Workspace.
5.)Share Project Skype Pals’ project with the community. Students and parents come together on a culminating evening in order to watch and discuss the Skype Pals’ project documentary and to experience typical food and music from the Latin American country.
Comments |
We already have Chile lined up as our Skype Pal. We have a student in our school who has recently arrived from Chile, and we plan to skype with her school, Newton College. |
Cross-Curriculum Ideas |
Almost all areas of the curriculum are addressed in this project. |
Follow-Up |
Follow up monthly or yearly with the same school. |
Links: |
Link to Skype in Schools at PB Works Link to the Flat Classroom Project Link to Skype-in-the Classroom Link to Skype in the Classroom at Wordpress Link to Skype tutorials
Materials: |
Foreign Language, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Mobile Labs, Podcasting |
Other Items: |
1 Dell Classroom Netbook-Latitude 2100 with Bundled Accessories, $634.94 each, total of $634.94 1 AVerMedia AVerVision 300 AF+ Document Camera, $699.99 each, total of $699.99 1 NEC Display NP 510W Multimedia Projector, $999.00 each, total of $999.00 1 Podcasting Mobile Lab, $3450.99 each, total of $3450.99 |