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Keywords: Cubism, Photography, Self-Portraits
Subject(s): Art, Technology, Photography, English/Language Arts
Grades 3 through 12
School: Eastlake Elementary, South Jordan, UT
Planned By: Christine Ramker
Original Author: Christine Ramker, South Jordan
1. Students are first shown examples and nonexamples of cubism. Guide discussion trying to figure out the characteristics of the Cubism genre.

2. Students will create 3 artistic representations of themselves in self-portraits. Have students draw themselves. Giving them mirrors may help them to get started.

3. After students draw themselves in a regular self-portrait, ask them to then draw a self-portrait in the style of the cubists. Students can take great liberties in drawing themselves and need to make sure to use cubist stylings.

4. After students have their first 2 self-portraits, it is time to take a photo of their face. Photos can be taken with a digital camera and will need to be printed as a full 8 1/2 by 11 sheet, normally called a 8x10 portrait.

5. When each student has their photo of their face, printed either in color or black and white, they will need to cut it up into little cubes, big cubes and medium cubes. Discussion of cubism and its origins and critique of looking like little cubes could be done during this step.

6. After the students face is cut up the should begin to put all the pieces back together into a composition of their face. When a student has glued all their pieces down and back together, glue the first two self-portraits down on construction paper. Print another 8x10 of the student, glue that down on construction paper and bind the 4 self-portraits together with a cover and title.

7. Students will then have a book of their faces, a page can be added at the back of their book with a written essay about cubism as well.

A variation to the digital aspect is to edit the face photo using iPhoto so that the student has tons of photos of little parts of their face, picture of their lips, one eye, etc.

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Writing an essay about Cubism to include in the students book would tie this project into language arts.
Materials: Digital Cameras, Art Tools