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Middle School Masters of the Web - Video Newsletter

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Keywords: video jouralism, newsletter, language arts, theatre, computers
Subject(s): Art, Video, Technology, Podcasting, Writing, Animation, Music, Reading, Information Skills, Photography, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Journalism, Drama
Grades 7 through 8
School: Columbine Middle School, Montrose, CO
Planned By: Kerri Catlin
Original Author: Kerri Catlin, Montrose
Lanaguage Arts comes to life with practical application as students learn basic journalistic writing for soft and feature news articles. Students will learn interviewing techniques, how to use video and podcasting equipment, editing for both pre and post production, as well as live to tape newscasts.

Once the newscast is taped, it will be uploaded onto the school's website. Students will have the opportunity to create a newsletter within the website and add video clips, the video newscast, digital pictures, and student written articles.

The timeline for the first production will be three weeks. Students will work in groups to determine story ideas, newscast and newsletter layouts.

Prior knowledge of the 5-w's +h is necessary, layout design, videography, editing, and public speaking is necessary to develop this product.

Materials: Video Cameras, Flash Memory Camcorders, Flip Video, DVD Camcorder, Hi-Def Camcorder, Digital Cameras, Point and Shoot, Digital SLR, MP3 Players, Microphones, Video Tools, CDs and DVDs, Hard Drives, Camera/Video Accessories, Camera Bags, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Batteries, Memory Cards, Cables, English/Language Arts, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Podcasting, Keyboarding, Inspiration, Authoring and Publishing, Web Page