Animal Trading Cards Page Views: 7492
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Keywords: technology, word processing, layout, animals, science |
Subject(s): Technology, Life Science, Writing, Reading, Information Skills, English/Language Arts, Spelling |
Grades 2 through 4 |
School: J E Moss Elementary School, Antioch, TN |
Planned By: Sandra Southerland |
Original Author: Sandra Southerland, Antioch |
Content area: ¬¬¬Science, English/Language Arts, Listening and Speaking, Writing, Reading
Unit of Study: Animals
Tennessee Standards:
GLE 0207.Inq.4 Collect, discuss, and communicate findings from a variety of investigations.
GLE 0207.T/E.2 Apply engineering design and creative thinking to solve practical problems.
GLE 0207.1.1 Recognize that plants and animals are made up of smaller parts and use food, water, and air to survive.
GLE 0207.2.1 Investigate the habitats of different kinds of local plants and animals.
GLE 0207.2.2 Investigate living things found in different places.
GLE 0207.3.1 Recognize that animals eat plants or other animals for food.
GLE 0207.4.1 Compare the life cycles of various organisms.
GLE 0207.4.2 Realize that parents pass along physical characteristics to their offspring.
GLE 0207.5.1 Investigate the relationship between an animals characteristics and the features of the environment where it lives. ________________________________________ English/LanguageArts:
Standard 4 - Research Course Level Expectations GLE 0201.4.1 Define and narrow a question for research appropriate to grade level and ability. GLE 0201.4.2 Gather relevant information to answer a research question. GLE 0201.4.3 Write a simple research report. ________________________________________ Writingr> Beginsto locate relevant information Organizes collected information into useful components using a variety of techniques (i.e. graphic organizers, outlines) Begins to use various presentation formats for sharing information (e.g., oral reports, research papers, essays, multimedia presentations, visuals Begins to understand the importance of acknowledging sources Uses a simplified format to cite sources Analyzes, evaluates and synthesizes information from multiple sources. Begins note-taking techniques in the research process (i.e., paraphrasing, summarizing). Begins to evaluate information for relevance to the topic. ________________________________________ Reading
Beginsto use library/media center: computerized library catalog, electronic encyclopedias, websites, and/or e-mail. ________________________________________ Listening and Speaking ________________________________________ Communicatesideas clearly in standard English using techniques that give speech power and impact: Presence Displays an understanding of subject matter. Delivery Begins to uses delivery techniques effectively Volume Enunciation Begins to use props or visual aids for presentations. Uses several sources of information with teacher assistance. Non-verbal Maintains attention. Uses appropriate body language and behavior. Uses respectful and supportive responses.
Materials Needed:
Laptop, projector and screen for teacher demonstration Computers with Internet access www.pebblego.com database Printer Paper Scissors Tape or glue
Proposed Learning Activities and Projects:
Lesson 1: The Library Specialist will explain why they are there, and a little bit about the projects and research. The Library Specialist will model accessing and using the PebbleGo database The Library Specialist will model note-taking skills Using the PebbleGo database, students will select their animal from either the mammal, reptile or amphibian group. Using the PebbleGo database, students will locate the information asked for on their note-taking form.
Lesson 2:
The Library Specialist will model accessing and using the Microsoft Word Animal Trading Card template to fill in the information students gained from their research. The students will type in the information learned from their research into the designated location on the Animal Trading Card. Students will save their Word document.
Lesson 3:
The Library Specialist will model searching for and inserting clip art into the Animal Trading Card template. The students will search for and insert a picture of their animal into their document. The students will finish entering information if needed. The students will print, cut out, and fold their document into a trading card sized document.
Responsibilities Teacher(s): o Prepare note-taking guide o Model note-taking and report writing o Introduce the unit in the classroom and provide extended activites in the classroom o Grade the note-taker AND the Animal Trading card based upon the rubric Library Media Specialist: o Prepare Animal Trading Card Template o Create a folder for each teacher on the student shared file on the server o Create a blank trading card template for each student in the teacher folder on the student shared file on the server o Place a shortcut to the PebbleGo site in the student shared file o Model using the PebbleGo site o Model putting answers in the trading card template o Model saving the document
The teacher will grade the note-taking sheet for accuracy and completeness of information. The teacher will grade the trading card for completeness of information The librarian or computer teacher will grade the trading card for skill in using the template |