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Title: Digital Photo Storytelling on Five Senses, a project based learning activity by Mary Gore

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Keywords: web based learning, Project based learning acitivity, five senses,
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Photography, Reading, Writing, Technology, Video, Science
Grades P-K through 2
School: Jones EC/PK/K center , Humble, TX
Planned By: Mary Gore
Original Author: Mary Gore, Humble
Task Objective:
The class will be able to demonstrate knowledge and appropriate use of hardware and components, software programs and their connection as they create a digital photo storytelling from pictures taken while learning about the five senses. The students will identify and use their senses as tools for observation and investigation to gather information using simple technological as well as non technological equipment. PowerPoint Presentation will be created from student selected photos and then transformed into photo story as they add graphics, voice or sound for each slide as they describe their experiences for each task they have performed in the photos taken.
1.The teacher will introduce the lesson of Five Senses as a whole group and will focus on each sense as a workstation utilizing teacher made materials as well as web based resources from the following website. (each sense will have a focus for one week)

Week one: Touching
Week two: Sight
Week three: Hearing
Week four: Smelling
Week five: Tasting

2.Lesson plans and resources on Five Senses will be taken from the following websites:





activities :





on the five senses all around you : http://www.discovery.com

3.The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups of 4-5 students. Each group member will have a particular role to do such as camera person, sound and voice recorders, graphic designers, note taker/screen writer. The camera person takes photos or video, the graphic designer draws picture of the things she or he observes during the activity, sound and voice recorders operates the digital recorder, and the note taker writes down vocabulary words learned in the activity. ( Five Six weeks)

4.During workstations, the teacher will facilitate one group of students working on one component of the senses (e.g. Sight, Smell) while another group is documenting the task being performed by the group in the work station center.

5.Each group will act as researchers (data collectors) on one sense for equal amount of think and chance of participation in the project however; they will also have a chance to go to the science workstations to engage in the various senses activities for each week of the 5 weeks.

6.After the all the information and documentation are gathered, the teacher will work with each group again to select their best photos taken and add the sound, text, graphics utilizing the Microsoft PowerPoint software and Photo Story software. To help teachers and students create the digital photo storytelling presentation they can use the tutorial links below:

This multimedia learning activity utilizes the various technological tools currently available in the schools such as digital camera, video camera ,the computer and its’ accessories , the software application such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Photobus, digital storytelling software, also using links to various photos, sounds and video clips, and website related to the topic of Senses. The student will be able to navigate the Internet through this activity.
Other Subject areas that are integrated in this project are Language Arts, Reading,
Social Studies, Math and Fine Arts.
In the third essential element of this Project Based Learning activity is the schedule of the project is being addressed such as the time allotment given to the project, the time of day it will be conducted ( part of the day or whole day), and the total number of days that we will be devoted to the project. The topic on Senses will be given an allotted time of six weeks for students to be introduced to each sense, engage in the workstations about senses and documentation. An additional four six weeks to compile, review and edit the photos and create the power point/ digital story telling on Senses. The Senses activity will be occurring in the morning only so the students can be in small groups will able to work on each type of sense while the others will take their roles to document their peers learning about the five senses in action through digital photos. Progress monitoring will be done for each group who are engaging in the five senses activities through checklist and finish product. While documentors will follow a rubric to make sure they are on tract and focusing on the senses activities for the group. Each Sense will be given a week, four days of those will be the introduction in large group, practice in small group; the last day of the week is for assessment activities for one of the Senses being studied.
After the initial introduction of the thematic project on Senses in large group presentation, the teacher will divide the class into 5 groups of 4-6 students where group members have different levels of abilities (high, middle and low group). Each group members will have a particular role to perform such as a camera person, sound and voice recorders, graphic designers, note taker/screen writer. The camera person takes the photos or video clips, the graphic designer draws picture of the things she or he observes during the activity, sound and voice recorders and operates a digital recorder, and the note taker writes down vocabulary words learned in the activity.
During workstations time, the teacher will facilitate one group of students working on one component of the senses (e.g. Sight, Smell) while another group is documenting the tasks being performed by the group in the work station center with the help of the teacher assistant or the teacher. The students will follow a procedure for clear understanding of their expected tasks see appendix A.
The fifth essential element in this PBL activity is the assessment outcome where teacher developed rubrics and checklist are used to assess student’s progress for each role they will be performing and describe the final products the students will complete. See appendix B.
Each group will act as researchers (data collectors) as well as become a focused
group to be documented in their engagement process in one of Senses activity assigned by the teacher for an equal opportunity to participate in this PBL activity. However, everyone will have a chance to go to the science workstations for each week to engage in the various Senses activities during the 5 week long activities. After the all the information and documentation are gathered, the teacher will work with each group again to select their best photos taken and add the sounds, text, graphics utilizing the Microsoft PowerPoint software and Photo Story software.
The sixth essential element is the evaluation of the experience. In this last step of this project based learning project the students will be able to evaluate what they have learned and experienced in the entire process of the project. The teacher develops some questions that will encourage reflection of the students’ activities and experiences. There will be weekly evaluations for each week and type of Sense being explored, first day of which is the introduction in large group, three of these days are for small group activity and engagement and the last day of the week is for assessment activities. Having a weekly evaluation will give students closure for each type of Senses where they will share their favorite part of activity or experience in the form of oral discussion illustration, text or a combination for the above activities see Appendix C.
In the second part of this project based learning activity and after the different groupings meet with the teacher and worked on gathering information, this includes the uploading, organizing, editing of various data through the various tools, devices and applications another type of evaluation is needed to have students’ reflect on the importance of taking good data to create a project that will be informative as well as productive. They will identify the individuals’ as well as the groups’ strengths that contributed to its’ success of the project as well as any observed failure of the groups’ or class project to have make room for improvements in future projects.

Appendix B.
Five rubrics to follow by the researcher/documenter group members when assessing individual assigned roles in the PBL activity on Senses.

Task for the camera person. Yes No
1.Turn on the digital camera and focus on the subject.
2.The photo must be clear and centered.
3.Focus on the materials in the workstation and take 1 - 4 photos
4.Each member of the group engaging in different task in the Senses workstation must be capture up to two photos.
5. Must have a total of 15 photos

Task for the voice and sound recorder Yes No
1.Turn on the audio recorder.
2.Practice saying in clear (audible) and slow voice the name of the materials in the workstation.
3.Label while recording 10 materials in the workstation.
4.Replay the recorded audio for review. If needed, re-record the names.
5.Record the group sound for 3 minutes while they engaged in the activities.

Task for the note taker Yes No
1.Take a writing paper on a clipboard and a pencil for your assignment.
2.Read the labels of the materials.
3.Copy 10 labels of the materials in the workstation.

Task for the graphic designer/illustrator Yes No
1.Take a writing paper and a pencil on a clipboard for your assignment.
2.Examine the materials at the workstation and draw 10 materials.

3.Use markers or crayons to make it colorful.

Appendix C
Evaluation Questions for each week Senses activities:
Week 1.
1.What activity did you like the most in the workstation about the Sense of Sight? ( large group discussion)

2.What other materials can you think of we can use in this workstation that will make use of our Sense of sight? (large group discussion)

3.Illustrate and write something about your favorite activity in our study of the Sense of Sight. Use the vocabulary words you have learned in these activities by labeling your illustration. ( individual work)

Week 2.
1.What activity did you like the most in the workstation about the Sense of Touch?

2.What other materials can you think of we can use in this workstation that will make use of our Sense of touch? (large group discussion)

3.Illustrate and write something about your favorite activity in our study of the Sense of Touch. Use the vocabulary words you have learned in these activities by labeling your illustration. (individual work)

Week 3.
1.What activity did you like the most in the workstation about the Sense of Smell?

2.What other materials can you think of we can use in this workstation that will make use of our Sense of Smell? (large group discussion)

3.Illustrate and write something about your favorite activity in our study of the Sense of Smell. Use the vocabulary words you have learned in these activities by labeling your illustration. (individual work)

Week 4.
1.What activity did you like the most in the workstation about the Sense of Hearing?

2.What other materials can you think of we can use in this workstation that will make use of our Sense of hearing? (large group discussion)

4.Illustrate and write something about your favorite activity in our study of the Sense of Hearing. Use the vocabulary words you have learned in these activities by labeling your illustration. (individual work)

Week 5.
1.What activity did you like the most in the workstation about the Sense of Taste?
2.What other materials can you think of we can use in this workstation that will make use of our Sense of Taste? (large group discussion)
3.Illustrate and write something about your favorite activity in our study of the Sense of Taste. Use the vocabulary words you have learned in these activities by labeling your illustration. (individual work)

share digital photo story to other PK-2nd classroom, teachers
Materials: Camera Bags, Video Tools, Digital Cameras, Early Learning
Other Items: 25 camera bag, $9.99 each, total of $249.75
25 sets of 2AA batery charger and 4 rechargeavle batteries, $17.99 each, total of $449.75
25 Digital camera, $99.00 each, total of $2475.00
25 camera tripod, $24.99 each, total of $624.75