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Regions of the USA

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Keywords: Regions of the USA
Subject(s): Social Studies, Geography
Grade 4
School: Dozier Elementary School, Erath, LA
Planned By: Lori Porter
Original Author: Lori Porter, Erath
Regions of the USA

Social Studies
Grade Level
4th grade

Approximate Time Needed
•About 5-45 minute class periods

Unit Summary

•In this unit students will use the internet to research the physical and human characteristics of the four regions of the United States and decide which one they would like to live in.

Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

•TLW identify and compare the United State Regions using physical and human characteristics.
•TLW describe characteristics of the human population in a given area.
•TLW explain and compare the cultural identities of various regions and how a region is influence by past events and the heritage of its people.
•TLW identify natural disasters, their causes, and how they affect the people in the region.
•Is the region of the United States that we live in really so different than other regions in the United States?

Essential Question

•How are the lives of other kids in different regions of the United States like our lives?

Unit Questions

•What kind of landforms do kids in other regions have?
•What is the weather like for kids in other regions?
•What kind of natural resources can kids find in their region?
•What kind of vegetation can kids find in their region?
•What major bodies of water can kids find in their region?
•What are some of the customs and celebrations that kids have in their region?
•What kind of natural disasters do kids have in their region?
•What kind of animals can kids find in their region?
•What places of interest can kids find in their region?

Basic Timeline of lesson

Instructional Procedures

Before the lesson: Questions about differences in other regions.

•Model how to take notes when doing research.
•Introduce and discuss planning sheet and quilt rubric.
•Students work on projects and complete tasks


•Students will be divided into cooperative groups of three. pose the essential question to them for discussion.

•The class will then talk about the unit question and watch a slideshow of the different regions. The teacher may show a Region PowerPoint, Flip Chart, internet based site or another technology based program that helps the students visually see the regions.

•The teacher put the content questions on a research log for them to complete of each region.

•Teacher will model how to research by completing the Northeast research together.

•The class will also complete the quilt square and sentences together as well as complete the student checklist and I will show them how it will be graded on a rubric.

•Students will independently research the other four regions as well as complete their quilt square and checklist. There will be a grade for each region. Students will then work in groups to complete the visual ranking question and write a paragraph on which region they chose to live in and why.

After the lesson:

•Have student hand in the completed quilt square and student checklist. Put in booklet form.

•Complete a paragraph on the region that they would like to live in and why.

•Have the quilt square rubric ready.

Assessment Summary

•The students will be given a set of questions to fill out about the physical and human characteristics of each region as they research the region. They will also get a student checklist and rubric for the final assessment which is the book of quilt squares for each region.

•The students will work in groups to decide which of the human characteristics contribute to the economy of that region.

•What are the human characteristics that contribute the most to the economy of each region? Rank the list with the ones having the highest effects first.
Prerequisite Skills

•Students must be able to use a computer to research.

Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

Resource Student
•I will use teacher modeling, grouping, and peer assistance.

Gifted Student
•I will challenge them to research further and design a model of their region.
•Computer per group, rubric/checklist, construction paper for quilt squares
•Technology -Hardware
•computer with internet per group of three
•Technology -Software
•Internet browser
•Internet Resources
•Regions webquest on comprehensive curriculum site
Links: Outline Maps: United States
Regional PowerPoints (from Pete's PowerPoint Station)
Regions of the US for kids
United States Regions
USA Regional Map/Quiz Printouts - EnchantedLearning.com
Materials: Portable, Mobile Labs