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Animal Research Paragraph

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Keywords: science, research, animals, flip camera
Subject(s): Life Science, Writing, Science
Grade 2
School: Dozier Elementary School, Erath, LA
Planned By: Debbie Hebert
Original Author: Debbie Hebert, Erath
Animal Research Paragraph

Animal Research Paragraph-Students will need to research animals and gather facts from various sources.

Time: About one week (30-45 minutes daily)

05. Determine word meaning and appropriate word choices using reference aids, including dictionaries and thesauruses (ELA-1-E1)
23a. Develop compositions of one or more paragraphs using writing processes such as independently generating ideas for writing by using various strategies (e.g., listing, brainstorming, drawing) (ELA-2-E3)
23b. Develop compositions of one or more paragraphs using writing processes such as creating a plan (e.g., graphic organizer, web) appropriate to the purpose of writing (ELA-2-E3)
23d. Develop compositions of one or more paragraphs using writing processes such as conferencing with a teacher or peers (ELA-2-E3)
23e. Develop compositions of one or more paragraphs using writing processes such as revising for clarity, grammatical and mechanical correctness, and/or to include additional information (ELA-2-E3)
24c. Develop grade-appropriate compositions, for example, stories (ELA-2-E4)
26a. Write for various purposes, including letters or invitations that include relevant information and follow a letter/envelope format (ELA 2 E6)
27. Write legible short paragraphs using proper indentation (ELA-3-E1)
28a. Use standard English punctuation, including commas in the greeting and closure of a letter, between a city and a state, and in dates (ELA-3-E2) 41.
Adjust language during a presentation in order to inform or explain to a specific audience (ELA-4-E4)
42.Deliver informal presentations that demonstrate an understanding of a topic (ELA-4-E4)

Lesson Plan:

1.The teacher will gather books, magazines, newspaper articles, safe online links about animals.
2. The teacher will list animals on the board for the students to choose their topic.
3. The students will be given a blackline “web” to record facts on their animals.
4. The students will use their computers, to research facts online.
5. The student will need record two facts about their animal online.
6. The students will need record two facts from a book.
7. The students will need one fact from a magazine or newspaper article.
8. Once the students have their facts from three sources, they can type their webbing information in one of the webbing tools in the link below. (See WebTools)
9. Using a webbing tool (graphic organizer) chosen by the teacher, the students will type in their information.
10. Then the students will write a paragraph in MS Word or in PowerPoint about their animal and insert an appropriate graphic.
11. Students will read their final reports while the teacher videos them with a flip camera.
12. Then the students will watch all video clips and discussed what was learned with this research project.

Assessment: Student activity will be assessed with a rubric.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Science and Writing
Links: Webbing Tools for Graphic Organizers
Yahoo Animals
National Geographic
Animals/Kids Site
Facts About Animals
Materials: Whiteboards, Flip Video, Projectors, Portable, Projector Screens