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You Can Do It: Creating How-To Videos

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Keywords: Digital Videos, Instructional Videos
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Science, Math
Grade P-K
School: Episcopal School of Knoxville, Knoxville, TN
Planned By: Julie King
Original Author: Julie King, Knoxville
Instructional Video Project – Middle School

Lesson Topic: Instructional Videos

Grade Level: 6,7,8

Lesson Description:

This lesson was designed to teach students how to create instructional media by selecting a curriculum-based topic, developing a unique way to present the information, and creating a video to share.

Expected Outcomes of Lesson:

· Subject-area Content Knowledge

o Social Studies (Presidents, States, Capitals, Continents, Landforms)

o Language (Parts of Speech, Spanish or Latin vocabulary)

o Science (Bones, Periodic table, Scientific process, parts of body)

o Math (formulas, math facts)

o Information Literacy (parts of story, Dewey Decimal, genres)

· Development of Original Presentation

o Work collaboratively in groups

o Organize selected content information

o Develop a unique method for presenting information for instruction

· Creation of Instructional Video

o Demonstrate use of a digital camera and uploading to PC

o Learn to use Flip video camera and upload to PC

o Learn to use video software

o Create an original video for instruction

Lesson Objectives

· Students will demonstrate proficiency in a selected area of content knowledge by listing the chosen information using Open Office Writer

· Students will organize content area information into a unique presentation format.

· Students will demonstrate use of a digital camera, digital video camera, and the ability to upload images and video to a computer.

· Students will create an original video presentation of selected content area information.

· Students will complete an online survey to evaluate and reflect on their group participation and presentation.

Instructional Technology Standards (ISTE)

· Creativity and Innovation

o Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.

o Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

· Communication and Collaboration

o Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.

o Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

· Research and Information Fluency

o Locate, organize analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.

· Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making

o Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.

· Digital Citizenship

o Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning and productivity.

· Technology Operations and Concepts

o Understand and use technology systems.

o Select and use applications effectively and productively .

Instructional Materials

· Desktop computers with internet access, Open Office, and Windows MovieMaker, iMovie

· Digital cameras

· Digital video cameras

· Evaluation and reflection worksheet

· Sample Instructional Videos

Instructional Methods and Procedure

Class 1 – Organization and Analysis

1. Students are introduced to the concept of instructional videos.

2. Students view samples of instructional videos

3. Students divide into groups and select content area knowledge to study.

4. Students work in groups to review selected content area information.

5. Students submit organized information using Open Office writer and email

Class 2 – Synthesis

1. Students designing an original format for presentation (poem, song, skit)
2. Student groups submit format using Open Office Writer or Impress.

Class 3 - Synthesis

1. Students learn to use digital camera and digital video camera
2. Groups film / photograph information for instructional video.
3. Pictures and video are uploaded to PCs.

Class 4 - Synthesis

1. Students review use of multimedia software.
2. Students use Windows Moviemaker, iMovie, or Animoto to create instructional video.

Class 5 - Sharing and Evaluation

1. Groups present instructional videos on tech lab Smartboard.
2. Students complete evaluation/reflection worksheet.

This project encourages collaboration, original creation, and requires students to brainstorm and organize information in order to teach it to others. These videos will be used with younger students in our school, and will empower our middle school students as educators in their own right, and as users of technology.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Instructional videos can be created on any subject. Teachers in every class, from science, to literature, to social studies can use the videos students have created with their classes.
For follow-up activities, students would share their projects with a group of students at the target instruction level, encouraging positive interaction between middle school and primary school students. They would get to see how their video teaches students to accomplish the target task or learning objectives.
Materials: Flip Video, Flash/USB Drives
Other Items: 10 Flip Videos HD, $199 each, total of $1990.00
24 Microphone Headsets, $23 each, total of $552.00
18 USB drives (1G), $9 each, total of $162.00