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Writing, Reading, and Rehearsing

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Keywords: Writing and Technology
Subject(s): Technology, Writing, English/Language Arts
Grades P-K through 5
School: Russellville Elementary School, Russellville, AL
Planned By: Natalie Bendall
Original Author: Natalie Bendall, Russellville
Objective: Students will effectively write a narrative essay, summarize the essay, and then perform their summary and video it with a flip camera.

1. Students will participate in a technology training session on how to use a Flip Camera. This session will include examples and allow students to use a Flip Camera and transfer the video to a computer.
2. Teach students the proper way to write a narrative essay using the four square writing model.
3. Have students write their own narrative essay including a plot, problem, sequence of events, and well developed characters.
4. Students will then write a summary of their narrative essay.
5. Students will use this summary to create a short skit to perform in front of the Flip camera.
6. Students will film themselves performing their skit.
7. Copies will be made for parents to watch.
Allow students to use Flip Cameras to create videos and PhotoStory videos.
Materials: Flip Video, Computer Accessories, Integrating Technology