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Biotic and Abiotic Factors in Your Environment

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Keywords: powerpoint, research, observation, camera, photography, Science, computer
Subject(s): Life Science, Science
Grades 5 through 8
School: Howard S Gray Ed Program, Scottsdale, AZ
Planned By: Sue Cullumber
Original Author: Sue Cullumber, Scottsdale
Biotic and Abiotic Factors in Your Environment

Objective: distinguish biotic and abiotic factors in the environment and how they affect each other.

1. Examine an area around your school for biotic and abiotic factors. An area about 20 feet x 20 feet is a good size.

2. In your notebook, make a list of at least 10 biotic factors and 10 abiotic factors that you observe. Make sure you include a heading and put each of the factors in the correct column.

3. Take photos of each of the factors that you recorded.

4. Download your photos to the computer.

5. Create a PowerPoint with the following information:

PowerPoint - each * below indicates a New Page.
* Title page with your name
* Describe the environment around your school. Use as many senses as you can. For example:
o What did you see? Types and sizes of plants, how many, where are they located. What kinds of animals, birds, insects did you observe?
o Were the plants and animals near the water sources? What kind of soil or rocks were in this area?
o What did you smell?
o Did you hear anything?
o Include one of your photos on this page.
* Write a definition of Biotic Factors. List the biotic factors that you observed and include photos of these.
* Write a definition of Abiotic Factors. List the abiotic factors that you observed and include your photos.
* How do the biotic factors and abiotic factors affect each other? What abiotic factors do the biotic factors need and why?
* If your school didn¡¦t exist, what other biotic factors would you find in this area? What biotic factors are found in this environment because of the school?
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
You can incorporate English and art into this activity. For English they can write a story about what they observe and for art include a drawing of the environment they are studying.
Materials: Dyslexia, Switch Software, Early Learning, Cause and Effect, Autism, Middle, Point and Shoot, Wildlife, Digital Cameras, Speech and Language