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Engaging Students Though Literacy

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Keywords: television program, literacy, accelerated reader, English
Subject(s): Art, Video, Technology, Reading, Information Skills, Photography, English/Language Arts, Journalism
Grades 6 through 8
School: Lockport Middle School, Lockport, LA
Planned By: Brandy Sevin
Original Author: Brandy Sevin, Lockport
Students will be introduced to Accelerated Reader and books that are part of the program.

Students will be able to become television producers by trying out in the library to be apart of the television series.

Students will read books and write summaries and reviews of books.

Students will be chosen through homerooms to do book talks about their favorite books over the televisions in each classroom.

Other students will have a chance to become motivated about books by watching this Literacy Television Program.

To produce this program, our school would need video cameras and a computer setup to make this television series come alive!

Materials: Hi-Def Camcorder, Digital Cameras, Video Tools, Memory Cards, Cables