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A Step Back in Time

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Keywords: podcasting, thanksgiving, pilgrims
Subject(s): Technology, Geography, Podcasting, Writing, Reading, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, History
Grades P-K through 12
School: Murray Co Central ES-Slayton, Slayton, MN
Planned By: Kara Damm
Original Author: Kara Damm, Slayton
The Concept/Topic to Teach: Students will learn what it was like when the pilgrims left their country in search of the new world. Students will also take a look at the First Thanksgiving.

General Goals: Students will be able to properly use the Internet to find the correct website; once at the website the students will work in groups of 2 to pick out what they feel are key components; working in groups of two students will be able to use podcasting software and microphones to tell what it was like in their own words to cross the sea. The idea of a podcast would be similar to a journal/diary however, it has a modern spin on it with the use of technology. Students will then listen to how every group had the same information presented to them, but they all learned something different.

Required Materials: Computer with Internet, microphone for each group, podcasting software, notebook for notes (or if they would like to go green and use Microsoft Word) and fun!

1.) In groups of 2 students will read through the information on the following website, http://www.scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving/voyage/
2.) Students will decide what information the group feels is the most important
3.) After all of the information is collected, the group will write out their podcast in Microsoft Word and turn it in electronically via the drop box
4.) Students will be trained on the podcasting software & tips of using the microphone
5.) Students may begin recording their podcasts
6.) When they have recorded a successful podcast, they will turn in their podcast electronically via the drop box
7.) We will listen to every groups podcasts and discuss what was the same and what was different. (closure)

Adaptations for students with L.D. - If a paraprofessional is available in the classroom, she may help the student stay on task and be productive in the group. The paraprofessional may work with the student and offer suggestions for information to pull out or the script for the podcast.

Assessment: The podcasts would show that students were able to pull information from the web and rework it into their own words. If they had a podcast created successfully, they were able to learn the technology side of it. Observation in the classroom would be another form of assessment - I would be able to see if they were struggling, working well with others, grasping the concept or loving it.

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Students would be able to bring podcasting into every curriculum area.
Students could podcast about what they have learned in the prior week during school and/or what they will learn the next week and place it on their teacher's website.
Materials: Microphones, Headsets, Podcasting
Other Items: 25 Microphones, $20 each, total of $500.00