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Digital Science Lab

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Keywords: science, lab, digital camera, podcast, moodle, Internet
Subject(s): Earth Science, Science
Grades 6 through 8
School: Clague Middle School, Ann Arbor, MI
Planned By: Lisa Starrfield
Original Author: Lisa Starrfield, Ann Arbor
In the Laboratory

Before the lab:
Students will be trained in the use of the digital cameras and in editing their recordings.
Students will also be trained in the expectations for their podcasts.

During the lab:
Two groups will be assigned to record each lab activity. During the recording, they should read aloud instructions, ask each other questions about what they are doing and why, vocalize their observations, and theorize on any source of error.

After the lab:
Students will download their recordings to a computer and edit their work into a podcast. The podcast will be uploaded to our course Moodle to be used by absent students and students who did not understand the lab. It will also serve as a resource for students in writing their lab reports.

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
These can also be used in my Math courses to make podcasts about problem solving.
Materials: Flip Video, Tripods, Batteries, Bags and Cases
Other Items: 8 Flip Video Ultra Series Camcorder - 120 Minutes, $149.99 each, total of $1199.92
8 Gorillapod Original Tripod, $19.95 each, total of $159.60
4 4 AA NiMh Batteries & Recharger, $29.99 each, total of $119.96
4 Flip Video Soft Pouch 2-Pack, $24.99 each, total of $99.96